Saturday, June 20, 2009

Conspiracy Theory of the Month - June 2009

Conspiracy Theories

They're out there, you know. The crazy people who believe the government is behind everything and that nothing is as it seems, or was and historical fact is fiction.
The Omni Report brings you the most popular theories of conspiracy because they're fun, scary and we believe in keeping our minds open. Truth is always stranger than fiction.
Remember once upon a time, Galileo was considered a crazy conspiracist who was trying to bring down the Catholic Church by writing ludicrous and untruthful stories about the Earth revolving around the Sun. Funny, huh?

Conspiracy Theory of the Month - June 2009

False Flag Operations

These covert government military actions or non-actions are also known as Black Operations. The definition of a false flag op is a covert operation conducted by a government, corporation or other organization, which is designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operation appears to have been carried out by another entity altogether.

This was brilliantly and literally displayed in the great and awesome movie, Captain Blood, when Errol Flynn sails straight into Port Royal Harbor flying a false flag - a Spanish one. He's able to sneak in, under this pretense, only to raise the British flag and drive off the invading Spanish ships.

Todays false flag ops do not involve an actual flag nor do they have to involve a literal action.

Non-action can be just as devastating. There are conspiracy theories involving the events of Pearl Harbor. Many believe the government knew the Japanese were coming and deliberately did NOTHING. Thus, opening the door for us to "legitimately" enter WWII.

In this way, False Flags/Black Ops are used to begin wars. Many countries are on record for using this tactic as a pretext for war - Japan, Germany, Russia, Israel. De-classified CIA archive documents exposed a US False Flag op against an Iranian Leader in the 1950's. Not, that the US would possibly be up to anything like that again, right? And that must have been the FIRST time we did anything like that.

In a weird modern take on a false flag attack, a woman in 2008 deliberately marked her own face and claimed she was attacked by someone from an opposing political party. She was trying to discredit that party by falsely staging an attack and swaying public opinion.

The most widespread false flag conspiracy theory are the events that occurred on 9/11/01. This one is a real doozy and involves more than a dozen reasons and explanations including inconsistencies, undoctored photos and video coverage, testimonials, statements, physics, resulting outcomes, etc... The bottom line being that the US either committed 9/11 attacks outright or let it happen ala Pearl Harbor to justify a myriad of circumstances including wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and heavy handed homeland security laws.

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Glad you could make it today...See you tomorrow...

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