Wednesday, July 15, 2009

News You Should Know - 7/15/2009

We have alot today....

The Episcopal Church Rescinds Gay ban

Hallelujah! Using obscure passages from the Bible to ruin other people's lives is tragic. We all know that the passages before and after "the gay one" site that we are to kill people that eat shrimp and lobster (Leviticus 11:10) and sell our daughters into slavery (Exodus 21:7-11). So why do people pick and choose what they want to hear/see/feel from the Bible?
The Episcopalian church now says that gays and lesbians that want to go to church have "answered God's call" and should be left alone and not persecuted or turned away... Amen, brother!

Learn more:,0,7706842.story

Dragonfly Migration Mega-Discovery

This is literally amazing. For over a hundred years the longest insect migration was thought to have been the Monarch Butterfly, which travels over 700 miles and takes 4 generations to complete. No more! The Dragonfly travels from India to the coast of Africa and back, a total of over 1200 miles making it the largest, longest insect migration. A discovery made by one biologist who quotes "This just illustrates how little we know of our natural world." How sad but true...

Learn more:

These next three stories all revolve around our oceans and we've grouped them together today because even though individually they are separate and unrelated, the bottom line is that like a mosaic they can be pieced together to show a bigger more important story - our oceans are fighting to survive.

Government Stimulus to Clean up Crab Pots

Sounds boring and a waste of money, huh? Well, tell that to Oregon officials and fishermen who have seen business decline because of the economy and can use this money to clean up all the nets, line and pots that threaten commerce, the ships themselves, people and wildlife. It's never a waste of money to invest in our oceans.

Learn more:

Ocean Sprawl?

We've all heard of suburban sprawl, but ocean sprawl? Yes, according to experts who say our oceans are out of control - between the energy demands for water, shipping lanes impeding wildlife, climate change, power lines, reefs, pots and sunken ships -we are vying for space that just isn't there anymore. The fishing industry is set to collapse in its entirety in 20 years.

Learn more:

The BLOB!!

Okay, this is true. There are "blobs" of a "biological" substance floating off the northern coast of Alaska. Paging Sarah Palin - go get your gun it could be the Russians!
We know that the oceans are turning back into the primordial ooze from which we once came because of all the pollution. Entire pockets lost to algae, plankton and jellyfish so maybe this is something like that?

Learn more:

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