Thursday, July 2, 2009

News You Should Know - 7/2/2009

United Nations to Investigate
Benazir Bhutto's Assassination

The unresolved murder of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto weighs heavily on our hearts. She was a beautiful woman who's fierce intelligence, love of freedom and love of her country shone as a shining outstanding example of what a person could be and what a person can accomplish. Her brutal murder will never be forgotten.

Suspects include: The Taliban, current President of Afghanistan Musharraf and of course, ....drumroll please....Dick Cheney.

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Once again humans are humbled by nature. Or we should be!

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Prison Space for Rent
Apparently Michigan doesn't have alot of crime these days because their prisons are empty!
So empty in fact that the Governor, Jennifer Granholm has offered Gov. Schwarzenegger the cells to alleviate the California prison overcrowding situation. According to Gov. Granhom, there are "several empty prisons" and 2 more "soon to be vacated". The problem is, California is so broke it probably couldn't even afford to transport the thousands of inmates anyway. I wonder what the residents of Michigan think about her offer.

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