Tuesday, July 28, 2009

News You Should Know - 7/28/2009

The Deterioration of the National Mall

Several years ago Omni Staffers helped a wheelchair bound woman along the sandy trail of the National Mall. Her wheels had gotten stuck and we wanted to help. We were all amazed at the time that the main trail through and around the National Mall is a glorified dirt path. Since then things have gotten worse.

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Swine Flu Trials on Children?

According to published reports the US government is going to fast track swine flu vaccines on about 12,000 children. The scary part is that the vaccine in question supposedly contains the same chemical that causes Gulf War Syndrome. We don't make this stuff up.

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China Reversing 1 Child Law

Shanghai is urging eligible parents to plan on a second child. Far from being the feel good story of the year, the real reason for this reversal is because so many thousands of female babies have been murdered, that the male population is going into full fledged panic mode. There are 120 males for every 100 females now and the ratio is growing wider every day...

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