Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oscar Reinvents Itself

There have been several changes to the Oscars the past few years as the Academy tries to reinvigorate a dying show that every year sees less and less viewers and seems less and less relevant.

This year they have made a few significant changes as well. First, the Best Song category. Members of the Academy's music branch vote on which songs get nominated by giving each song a rating from 6-10. This years song choices must have at least an 8.5 rating to get nominated.
No biggie.

The second change was to have the Honoree Oscar award given at another time altogether and not be included in the main broadcast. They are still trying to get the show down from 17 hours to 6. Okay maybe 5.

The BIG change was to the Best Movie category which will now have 10 nominees instead of 5. This a retro change that we love! Casablanca was the last movie to challenge 9 other noms and win in 1943. Of course, this change has nothing to do with jazzing up the ceremony and everything to do with DVD sales which are on life-support. DVD sales have dropped to a historic low as On Demand and internet sales have gone through the roof. More and more movies will now be labeled Oscar Nomiated for Best Picture - and those movies sell DVDs.

The thing is, now with more slots to fill, what will the Academy fill them with? Our first bet is anything that Peter Jackson, Ron Howard and Steven Spielberg make for the rest of their lives. And deservingly so. Will comedies make the list? They never have before. Ben Stiller should have gotten a nom for Tropic Thunder. It's the same with big money fantasy pics like the Lord of The Rings movies. Movies like this might get the nod like they never have before. Although if money is the only criteria and Transformers 2 gets a nom, we will get sick.

The Oscars Nominations come out 2/2/10.

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