Wednesday, August 5, 2009

News You Should Know - 8/5/2009

The Forests Win!! Temporarily...

Wow, what a day! Environmentalists are jumping for joy over two victories today that could conserve forests around the globe... Kimberly-Clark, finally caving to years of pressure from Greenpeace, announced stronger fiber standards today meaning that forests won't continue to be their first means of pulp and they will strive for sustainably produced products.
And secondly, the Roadless Area Conservation Rule overturned by the Bush Administration was REINSTATED TODAY protecting over 58 million acres of National Forest lands. However this was not an Obama Administration victory, in fact his current Secretary of Agriculture has approved a plan to clearcut temperate rainforests in the Misty Fjords National Monument. Seriously. You know what to do.
Learn more:

The First Greenpeace?
The ancient Mayans were practicing forest conservation more than 3,000 years ago and from the above mentioned articles we think we should be doing it again too.
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The Country's Largest Solar Rooftop Array is Where...?
If you said New Jersey, you're right! Federal Express will soon install a 3.3 acre rooftop solar paneling system that will be the largest yet completed in the United States at it's facility in Woodbridge, New Jersey.

Learn more:

Finally we have two animal stories and we'll start with the sad one...

Chinese Earthquake Takes it's Toll on the Pandas..
The earthquake last May in the Sichuan region of China was horrendous and seriously ruined everything in that area. The poor pandas are now suffering from a loss of habitat with over 60% percent of the pandas there affected by the quake.
Learn more:

Beluga Whale Rescues Woman!
A beluga whale literally grabbed a freezing cold diver from drowning by biting her ankle and forcing her upwards to the surface. The entire thing was caught on tape. The people that witnessed the event were amazed they didn't realize she was in trouble but the whale did. Click on the link for the picture you won't believe.
Learn more:

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