Friday, September 25, 2009

Conspiracy Theory - September 2009

9/11 was Orchestrated

The September 11, 2001 (9/11) conspiracy theories revolve around two basic hypotheses: 1) 9/11 was allowed to happen on purpose by the US government and/or Pentagon for political/nefarious ill-gotten gain or 2) It was done on purpose by the US government and/or Pentagon for political/nefarious ill-gotten gain.

Further complicating matters is the contingent who flatly refuse that an airplane even crashed into the Pentagon. "How does an airplane 125 feet wide and 155 feet long fit into a hole 16 feet across" is their slow and steady mantra.

Conspiracy theories sprang up almost immediately in Europe. They didn't take hold in America until 2004 or so, but when they did, they did. 9/11 conspiracy theories were embraced enthusiastically, dramatically and almost virtually without question in a passionate frenzy to blame G.W. Bush for anything and everything in between.

For those of you who wonder how anyone could question the events on 9/11, we'd like to run through a little, how could you not? Let's jump to the gold standard question in the scientific method of conspiracy theories - who benefited the most from the attacks on 9/11?

Osama Bin Laden? We hardly think so. He's not chilling out somewhere cool like Dubai, living the life.

Al Queda? Who?

The Taliban? Saddam Hussein? Uday and Qusay? It was proven they had nothing to do with 9/11. No WMD's, no box cutters.

But you know what? Bush got re-elected and Dick "Stop saying I look like Dr. Strangelove" Cheney probably got about 2 billion in Haliburton and BlackWater money. Oh, and we lost 9 truckloads of gold in the collapse of Building 7 that was scheduled to be shipped by to China on Sept. 12th, 2011. And then there was the trillion-dollar loss of Pentagon money that Don Rumsfeld announced on Sept. 10th, 2001 that no one will ever care about because people died on 9/11 and we love our country.

Just. Sayin'

The scope and detail of the conspiracy theories go far beyond this sarcastic post.

Read more:
Wiki Article


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