Tuesday, September 22, 2009

News You Should Know - 9/22/2009

China Bans Tourists from Tibet

China has closed the borders to Tibet, so they can celebrate the 60 years of Murder Communist Rule they have imposed granted upon the people.

Read more:
NY Times Article

Sun Microsystems Losing Over 100 Million a month

We aren't sure how this is possible, but while the courts decide if the proposed sale of Oracle to Sun Micro is legitimate and can go through or not, the company is said to be losing money faster than we can imagine. They lost $1 million while you were just reading this sentence.

Read more:
Reuters Link

Gather Round Everyone.
Tim Gunn Can Save the Day!

Marvel Comics Has Officially Made Tim Gunn A Superhero. We couldn't be happier to even type that. Marvel Rules. Make It Work.

Read more:

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