Friday, September 4, 2009

News You Should Know - 9/4/2009


Leonard Peltier Once Again Denied Parole

Excerpt from The Examiner:
Six-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, American political prisoner Leonard Peltier, unsuccessful at his hearing on 28 July, 2009, is petitioning President Obama for Executive Clemency. A worldwide outpouring of support for Peltier's release has included Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winners Nelson Mandela and Rigoberta Menchu, the U.N. High Commissioner on Human Rights, the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, the European Parliament, the Belgian Parliament, the Italian Parliament, the Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights, Rev. Jesse Jackson plus several American Indian nations and organizations including the National Congress of American Indians and the Assembly of First Nations according to Native Merican Times. Over 500 VIP and celebrity Peltier supporters have requested his release.
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Vietnam Veteran lives in squalor on Indian Reservation

Is it wrong for a Vietnam Veteran, who also spent 16 years as a Fireman, to live in squalor? Herbert Hale is 54 years old, a veteran of two Army combat tours in Vietnam and a member of the Lakota tribe, which today means a level of poverty rivaled only by fetid refugee camps in third world countries.
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Lead Weighs Heavier on Children in China

Acceptable levels of lead in human blood is 10 mg's per liter. In China, children in cities have levels measuring almost 60 mg's. In one city alone, over 1,300 kids have levels over 100 and the effects are devastating.
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Finally, to end on a light note -

The Beijing IKEA Store
Apparently it's not for shopping. People in China plan their day around going to the Ikea Store, not to purchase a new couch - but to sleep on one! Desperate to escape the noise, pollution and crowds of the city, entire families, go to Ikea to eat, browse, sleep, relax and take pictures. Hysterical!

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