Saturday, September 12, 2009

Restraining Order on the Court

We clearly remember that day in April 1993, when a psycho German fan rammed a 10-inch knife into the back of Monica Seles, during a match.

Resting, as players do between games, she had her back to the spectators, thinking she'd be safe, in all places, a tennis court packed with people and playing out on live television. Then the unthinkable. A psycho with a knife, jumps into the court and attacks her brutally from the blindside.

You would think that the German courts would have locked this guy up for a long time. Attempted murder in front of 20,000 people and all recorded on tape..? Wrongo. The courts deemed him mentally unstable (duh, he's a psycho!) and LET HIM OUT. Apparently, in Germany, if you are deemed psychotic and attempt to kill someone in public, it's okay.
Seles never played in Germany again.

This year, not just one, but two players were approached ON COURT and touched by a spectator that got past poor or non-existent security. Not just any two players, mind you, but the NUMBER 1 and NUMBER 2 in the WORLD. Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Oh, and not just at the Whatchmacallit Tournament in Backwater, but at WORLD MAJORS. Federer, arguably the best tennis player that ever played, was approached by a crazy guy who attempted to put a hat on his head at the French Open. This incident was laughed off and even the commentators joked "Hey Roger, don't forget to use the racket as a weapon and hit the guy next time!" LOL???

At the US Open last week Rafael Nadal, was approached and KISSED by a man yelling, "I love you, Rafa" over and over. Again, this is laughed off. WTF??!!

We've seen the lines at the Open. As the day session ends and the night begins the grounds crew and security have to switch out over 20,000 people in about 60 minutes. They can't possibly be able to check everyone adequately in that time for weapons. Imagine if Rafa or Roger had been stabbed like Seles. What an outrage!! What if that "kiss" had been a punch to the face? What would have happened if that guy broke Rafa's nose or something?

These security breaches are wholly unacceptable, scary as hell and not laughable in any way shape or form. Our most beloved players are at extreme risk. What has to happen to change things? Does one of these incidents have to be fatal? Will we have to actually watch one of our favorite players bleed out on live TV for stadiums to change security procedures?

Let's hope not.

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