Sunday, October 25, 2009

Conspiracy Theory of the Month - October 2009

and it's anomalies....

The United States and Russia started sending probes to our neighbor planet in the 1950's and 60's. The NASA Mariner program was successful. Mariner 4 sent back 22 black and white pictures and Mariner 9 sent over 7,000 in 1972. In 1976, Viking I & II sent a combined 60,000 images back for analysis and bonus! they were the first successful landers! Other notable missions, include: The Russian Phobos series, and NASA's Mars Observer in 1993, The Pathfinder and lander Sojourner in 1997 and The Mars Global Surveyor in 1998.

Phobos 2 caused an international uproar when it was lost broadcasting a long 10-mile, elliptical shadow from the surface of Mars. The Mars Observer was also lost under mysterious circumstances and in fact, the success rate for getting equipment back and forth from Mars is low.

The Viking photos revealed something incredible on the surface of Mars in an area called "Cydonia". A Face. A Pyramid. A City and More. Viking frame 35A72 (35th day of orbit, craft A, 72nd picture) blew everyone who saw it away. A face, clear as day. NASA said this was a "trick of light and shadow" and "a fluke". Only it reappeared in frame 70A13. 35 orbits later. Some trick! What's in Cydonia? A face, a trapezoidal building dubbed "The Fortress", a cluster of structures called "The City" and among other anomalous objects a pyramidal structure, named D&M after the 2 NASA engineers who discovered it.

Why would NASA cover-up evidence, discredit their own photos, send up subsequent missions to debunk evidence of an alien culture? Is it for the same reason they cover it up here on Earth? Fear of a societal breakdown? Fear of the social upheaval of such a truth? Fear of the religious and political fallout?

Is there anything else on Mars besides this Cydonia mess?

Well, besides, The Tower, a free-standing monolith, casting its large shadow, straight out of 2001? There's a structure nicknamed "The Port", objects called "glass tubes", there's 2 more faces, each larger than the last, carved in ginormous fashion, there's a Patterson-film-Sasquatch-look-a-like-thing, the "Storm Trooper" skull helmet, numerous humanoid looking skulls and the "Coke Can." WTF is going on up there?!

Something to ponder - Mars is dead. The asteroid(s) that wiped it out left 3 HUGE craters between 30 kilometers and 100 kilometers across. Each one a planet killer. The one that killed the dinosaurs on Earth left one only 10K across. What kind of life was lost leaving us the barren ruins of today?

And is the real reason NASA would cover up alien evidence on Mars is not because of potential social upheaval but because it brings them face to face with our own mortality?

It is easy to think of Mars today..a ruin. It is harder to imagine it teaming with the life that was lost millenia ago to the colossal asteroid impacts.

Face on Mars (Viking Photo 35A72)

Another Face on Mars

The Storm Trooper Helmet


The Tower

The City and region of Cydonia

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