Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Jimmy Carter

He is one our favorite ex-Presidents for all the humanitarian work he has done over the years.

Here is a partial list of the accomplishments, achievements and awards he has earned:

Gold medal, International Institute for Human Rights, 1979
Martin Luther King, Jr., Nonviolent Peace Prize, 1979
International Human Rights Award, Synagogue Council of America, 1979
Conservationist of the Year Award, 1979
Harry S. Truman Public Service Award, 1981
Ansel Adams Conservation Award, Wilderness Society, 1982
Human Rights Award, International League of Human Rights, 1983
World Methodist Peace Award, 1985
Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, 1987
Liberty Medal National Constitution Center, 1990
Spirit of America Award, National Council for the Social Studies, 1990
Physicians for Social Responsibility Award, 1991
Spark M. Matsunaga Medal of Peace, US Institute of Peace, 1993
Humanitarian Award, CARE International, 1993
Conservationist of the Year Medal, National Wildlife Federation, 1993
Rotary Award for World Understanding, 1994
National Civil Rights Museum Freedom Award, 1994
UNESCO Félix Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize, 1994
Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Award, Africare, 1996
Humanitarian of the Year, GQ Awards, 1996
Kiwanis International Humanitarian Award, 1996
Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development, 1997
United Nations Human Rights Award, 1998
The Hoover Medal, 1998
Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1999
International Child Survival Award, UNICEF Atlanta, 1999
William Penn Mott, Jr., Park Leadership Award, National Parks Conservation Association, 2000
Zayed International Prize for the Environment, 2001
Jonathan M. Daniels Humanitarian Award, VMI, 2001
Herbert Hoover Humanitarian Award, Boys & Girls Clubs of America, 2001
Nobel Peace Prize in 2002
Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album 2007
Mahatma Gandhi Global Nonviolence Award, Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence, James Madison University 2009

We know he wasn't a popular President, but that list kind of says it all, don't you think? How many Presidents have earned a Grammy award and a Nobel Prize?

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