Sunday, October 11, 2009

News Roundup - 10/11/2009

News you might have missed this week:

Helen Keller Statue Unveiled at Capital Hill
Helen Keller will forever be remembered as the wild little girl learning to cope in this world and finally succeeding, and that is how she is memorialized now in bronze at Capital Hill in Washington, but few know she was a suffragette who marched for women's rights and fought for the rights of the disabled and the poor.

USA Today article

Annual Autumn Raptor Migrations Underway
Keep an eye out for hawks, falcons and eagles flying overhead until mid-November.
Hawk Mountain, 40 minutes west of Kutztown is featured in this MSNBC article.

MSNBC article

And finally, the piece de resistance!
Zahi Hawass the last Great Pharaoh of Egypt Threatens the Louvre!

We love this guy as much as we hate him. This time, as always, Mr. Hawass, Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, a.k.a Head Honcho, has told the Louvre to return artifacts that were looted years ago. Classic Zahi!

Read more

France Relents! Surprise!

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