Thursday, October 22, 2009

News Roundup - 10/22/2009

Stuff you might have missed:

Love Him or Hate him, at least Michael Moore has a plan. An action plan.

This is the saddest story of the year. Another Rainforest Tribe goes extinct. For the tribe whose just lost their elder and now numbers less than five people on the entire planet, 2012 is now.

It's a nice day for a mass wedding! 20,000 people married in one ceremony.

A lost Da Vinci painting is found. The first in over 100 years to be authenticated.

Is Cedars Sinai the country's worst hospital?

Dr. Zahi Hawass. What can we say? This fucking guy never fucking stops! He is on a crusade, a one-man wrecking crew. He is balls out right now. We've said it a million times. We love this guy as much as we hate him. First, he has no right to keep the Giza Monuments to himself. They belong to mankind, not Egypt. And he hates Jews. He's an ass. Secondly, his passion is unwavering, his convictions so strong, his love of country immeasurable and you know, the fact that he is correct on this stolen artifacts thing, leave us shaking our heads. We just can't totally hate him. It's a fact that Britain, Germany, France, Everyone stole artifacts from Egypt for years. The 19th and 20th centuries were open field days to any "explorer/archaeologist" that wanted to take anything. Hawass, has a wish list and he wants the Egyptian goods back from The Louvre in Paris, the Rosetta Stone from London (Come on! It's the ROSETTA STONE!! - How could he not want that back?), and a bust currently residing in Boston. Dr. Hawass retires soon and his legacy, damn everyone who gets in his way, will be the returning to Egypt it's antiquitical history. We'll see.

What Zahi wants from Berlin.
What Zahi wants from London.
And what he got back from France.

Update: Unlike France, who relented immediately, Germany has started with a war of words, basically telling Mr. Hawass that Germany is better suited for the display and care of the statue and that Egypt is not a good place for it. Um. We can hear Zahi screaming for blood from here....Now, he will never stop. Way to go, Germany! Your paperwork for the statue better be up to and above par or you're going to know the wrath of The Pharaoh Hawass!

1 comment:

  1. If you look up tool in the dictionary there is a picture of HAW-ASS!!LOL. Cool article.


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