Monday, November 16, 2009

Hawass Strikes Again...

Mr. Zahi Hawass, Egypt's Last Great Pharaoh, has done it again. You have to admit this guy has a knack for PR that would make Paris Hilton jealous. He cannot stay out the news, whether it's rampaging against foreign governments trying to recoup stolen artifacts or this week's kicker...Calling Beyonce Stupid. This. Is. Classic.

Excerpt from article on
"...during Hawass’ self-guided tour, he said “I showed her the Sphinx and I gave her a book on King Tutankhamen,” but then his anger and frustration made its way to the forefront.

“Then he stopped being diplomatic and said in anger, ’she’s a stupid person and she doesn’t understand a thing and she doesn’t want to understand’,” wrote Gamal."

And you know what? Zahi's semi-right again! Beyonce probably IS stupid. However, doesn't he know he's not dealing with a Rhodes Scholar there to study history and master Egyptology in one visit? Does she ever look interested in anything other than herself? Was he fooled into thinking she actually cares about history? She was there for publicity and for the living room wall picture she'll now have of herself standing in front of the Sphinx.

He's puts the "ASS" in Hawass.

"I am mightier than the Sphinx!"
Zahi's Living Room Sphinx pic

Will post the links later...

1 comment:

  1. He claims there has never been any jews to enter the pyramids!! I love this guy he's a real knee slapper


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