Monday, November 30, 2009

Is Galileo Laughing or Crying?

400 years after the Catholic Church murdered one of the most famous people in history, it has conceded it was...wrong.

The Pope's Chief Astronomer has admitted that other intelligent beings could exist in outer space. Wow. At least they admit there is an outer space! That's more than it could when they executed poor Galileo for inventing the telescope and "trying to make God look bad."

This is the latest in a bizarre series of news articles over the last few years where potential alien beings have been called "our brothers" and have been, we think, actively sought out by Vatican astronomers. Do they believe, now, that Jesus is an alien?

Should we be astonished to find out that the Catholic Church has invested billions of dollars into a modern observatory with it's own state of the art website that is proud to admit that it is one of the oldest astronomical observatories in the world instead of actually using that money to fund orphanages or feed people? When we think of what Jesus would do, it usually doesn't involve building celestial observatories.

The Vatican just concluded a five day conference on astrobiology. A few dozen scientists, including astronomers, physicists and biologists were invited to help study the possibility of life elsewhere in the Universe.

The consensus is that the Vatican thinks we are only 10 years away from "contact." On which side we don't know. Is it 10 years until we are contacted or 10 years until we discover them?

The Vatican also states, correctly so, that there is a huge difference between finding microbial life vs. sentient life. However, their wording intrigues us. They state that basically "it would be a different strategy" (dealing with sentient life). They have strategies for dealing with aliens?

We'd love to see the Vatican playbook on "Take me to you leader, 101".

And we'd love to know what Galileo would think of all this.

The Vatican Observatory
News Link

Update: The Pope released his CD today. Proceeds from the album will help fund musical education for underprivileged children around the world. We like that, but think the kids would appreciate food, clean water, shelter or clothes first. Or better yet, sell the damn observatory and use the money for a free music academy on every continent for every child.

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