Monday, December 14, 2009

The Last Great Pharaoh of Egypt

Zahi Hawass!

He's done it again! Facing mandatory retirement can mean mandatory retirement to most people but not the Last Great Pharaoh of Egypt. Dr. Hawass has defied convention again.

The President of Egypt has signed a decree to name Zahi Hawass the Vice Minister of Culture, therefore skirting the mandatory retirement rule, as Vice Ministers and Ministers cannot be forced to retire!

Are we surprised that Dr. Hawass could pull something like this off? NO! This man is the most amazing Egyptian in modern history. His official title is: Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt/Vice Minister of Culture of Egypt/General Headcase or something like that...

In regard to his Indiana Jonesian quest for stolen artifacts, just today, France returned another piece. This only serves to solidify his hold as the reigning Pharaoh.

It's only a matter of time before Zahi becomes President of Egypt and then the world will finally behold the power of Hawass!

This guy takes narcissism to entirely new level, like Mock 10.
See for yourself at and hey while you're there join the Fan Club!

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