Wednesday, January 6, 2010

War at Sea!

War at Sea!

The war between The Sea Shepard Conservation Group and Japanese whalers in the Southern Ocean near Australia escalated yesterday with a series of incidents leading to the sinking of one boat, extensive damage to another and the anti-whaling vessel, Bob Barker, coming to the rescue!

A Japanese whaling ship rammed the super high tech stealth boat, Ady Gil, operated by The Sea Shepard Conservation Group. Smashed into pieces the Ady Gil crew was evacuated and rescued by the crew of THE BOB BARKER, the newly renovated former Norwegian whaling vessel.

Where the fuck is the Royal Australian Navy?

Protesters are pissed. "This is Australian Antarctic territorial waters and I see the Japanese whalers doing whatever they want with impunity down here without a single Australian government vessel anywhere to be found..."

They have a valid point and one that isn't being taken seriously by their own government. Australian officials have basically told the Sea Shepards "to exercise restraint in the name of safety." WTF?

The other Sea Shepard vessel, Steve Irwin, has also been involved with this, pursuing the Japanese whaling fleet for weeks and avoiding Japanese "security ships" that threaten the Sea Shepard's daily. It was one of these security ships, The Something or Other Maru, that critically disabled the Ady Gil.

Learn more:


Bob Barker ship

Pic of the ruined Ady Gil

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