Monday, February 15, 2010


Floyd Landis seconds before having the Tour trophy ripped from his hands
by a mob of blood thirsty anti-doping French laboratory workers.

We're pretty sure it's not a Wanted: Dead or Alive situation but man oh man is it a situation...

Former Tour De France Winner/Disgraced Dopist Floyd Landis has got himself into a heap of trouble...AGAIN.

Mr. Landis has an international arrest warrant out for him today, issued by his arch-enemy, The French, for supposedly hacking into an Anti-Doping Agency computer. Wha, Wha, What?

The Chatenay-Malabry laboratory is claiming to have been hacked all the way back in 2006 in a lame effort to discredit the anti-doping agency. For reasons undisclosed they have named Landis in a warrant for the crime issued just this morning.

This reads like The Running Man. How desperate was Floyd to clear his name? Is he insane? Considering all this went down years ago, was he somewhere eating toast this morning when he found out he's a wanted man?

Since the one-time elation of "winning" The Tour - Landis has had an incredible amount of super-bad luck. He lost the Tour title for doping, became a cycling pariah, was suspended from the sport, filed appeal litigation and lost, got divorced from his wife and his father in law committed suicide and now...this.

Wow. It sucks not to be Lance Armstrong.

Updates to follow...

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