Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2010 Genesis Awards

A proud Tippi Hedren with daughter Melanie Griffith and
son-in-law Antonio Bandaras
(who looks like his grandfather now!)

The 24th Annual 2010 Genesis Awards were handed out last Saturday night at an all star bash. The awards are hosted by the Humane Society of the United States and honor people who have helped animals.

Tippi Hedren received the Lifetime Achievement Award for her work with the Big Cats at the Shambala Preserve she has run in California for over 25 years. Tippi's also helped pass legislation to help wild cats with the 2003 Captive Wildlife Safety Act. Melanie Griffith and Antonio Bandaras were there to introduce her.

Congrats, Tippi! Loved you in The Birds but you were friggin super-awesome in I Heart Huckabees!

The Cove Documentary film makers, winners of Oscar for Best Documentary Film and Winner Genesis Award Best Documentary...

Text the word Dolphin the the number above to raise money to stop the slaughter!

For the complete list of winners visit:
Huffington Post Article

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