Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Agassi Goes Insane at Fund Raiser Tourney

Sampras and Agassi back in the day...things haven't changed between them!

WTF, Andre?

Andre Agassi made a complete asshole of himself in front of a sold out crowd at a charity fund raiser in what was undoubtedly one of the most uncomfortable, awkward - hell, just plain weird - occurrences in sports history.

Let's set the scene: Four of the world's top tennis players - all former or current Number One's - Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal, Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi played a charity doubles match this weekend. What happened next was fucked up and is infamous already.

All four players were miked up so that they could communicate with each other with the spectators getting the "inside treat" of the friendly banter amongst the players. Tickets cost up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars each and everyone seemed fired up for this special event. Federer/Sampras vs. Agassi/Nadal!

The banter was going easily enough for a while. Roger was quite funny and was having a good time with Andre. Rafa doesn't say much, neither does Pete, but whatever - it was fun enough.

Until Agassi goaded Pete for not being animated enough or something like that. So, Pete decided pull a Djokovic and go for an all out Agassi imitation, that had the crowd in stitches. This is when it got weird. Agassi retaliated by impersonating Pete in a bad light, attacking him personally for being cheap and insulting the guy in front of 16,000 people. Yes, Sixteen Thousand Paying Tennis Fans. It was tragically timed. The entire mood came down and couldn't be fixed. For a moment it looked as if Pete was going to walk off the court and we think it took every ounce of professionalism in every fiber of his being for him not to to go cross court and punch Agassi in his fucking mouth.

The way in which Andre cut up Sampras was bullshitty, unsportsmanlike and honestly - appalling in every which way. It didn't stop there, words ensued with each player getting completely agitated.

The best part? When Sampras served a ball right at Agassi's head! Awesome level: 11

Poor Justin Gimmelstob, acting as referee, tried to intervene saying "We need a Dr. Phil moment here." The crowd tried to laugh but the look on Pete's face said it all.

Afterwards, it was all smiles and hugs as the two retired players tried to spin it as friendly rivalry. But we know we saw Andres' true colors. His mean spirited, I-still-hate-Pete, colors.

We know Andre used to smoke crack and for his sake we hope he's still on it. There's no other excuse for what happened the other day. None!

View it here...

Update: Agassi reportedly "feels sick" about the entire incident. He has texted Pete to arrange an in person apology - to no avail. Pete's not home anymore, Andre.


  1. The whole IRONY of it all is now who is the one who looks CHEAP ANDRE?? That was totally uncalled for at a fundraiser! There was plenty of FUN until Andre brought out the RAISER...I mean RAZOR!! LOL

  2. Roger says "Start Something" "Do something Rafa" Priceless and Hilarious!! LOL

  3. We love how Rafa played the "I don't speak English - I don;t know what they said" card.


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