Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why Isn't He in Jail? - REPOST

We are re-posting this edited article from the other day because of the breaking news this morning that the Pope, when he was Archbishop Ratzinger, allowed ANOTHER, repeat ANOTHER, sex-offender to continue to molest boys. This time 1 priest, over 200 boys, at 1 school for the deaf. Molest is too soft a word. Call it like it is. The Pope/Archbishop allowed men to force oral and anal sex on young boys. THAT'S WHAT IS - WHETHER YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT OR NOT! FACT! and its Unconscionable and Disgusting on every level of humanity.

"This is the most incontrovertible case of pedophilia you could get," Isely said, flanked by photos of other clerical abuse victims and a poster of Ratzinger. "We need to know why he (the pope) did not let us know about him (Murphy) and why he didn't let the police know about him and why he did not condemn him and why he did not take his collar away from him."
From article: Fox News

You're damn right we want to know. How could a man "of God" value self-preservation over the protection of little children? The Roman Catholic Church is outright dispicable at this point.

The Pope should be in jail. What else do you do when a person is complicit in forced underage rape? There's nothing to suggest Pope Benedict himself ever ever touched a child or person in an inappropriate way, however there is documentation that he knew of it, knew who was doing it and not only protected that person(s) but knowingly promoted them and actively covered up any evidence.

In Germany it was revealed that the current Pope, then Archbishop Ratzinger, allowed a priest, a known sex offender, to relocate from parish to parish, abusing a fresh crop of boys at every turn, and did nothing. Soon after, an "aide" became the scapegoat as the Pope denied he had anything to do with relocating the child raping scumbag that operated as a priest until the mid 1990's.

And then, it was revealed that the Pope's brother, also a priest, was known to slap boys in the face. But because that is considered discipline and not sex abuse, it's no big deal. Unless you were one of the boys who got his face slapped regularly. There was sexual abuse there too, just by other priests not the ones related to the Pope. The number of victims at just the 1 diocese and boys choir in Germany is over 250.

Right now in Ireland, the Catholic Church is over. O.V.E.R. There have been to date over 15,000 claims of abuse. No longer the Super Catholic Capital of the World, the once proud Catholic Irish are fuming with anger over the way the Church protected men who forced oral sex on boys and not the boys themselves. The Murphy report, a government-commissioned inquiry into abuse in Dublin from 1975 to 2004 said church authorities covered up widespread cases of child sexual abuse until the mid-1990s.

Irish Catholics that attend Mass regularly are now over 50 years old with no one under that age attending. The Bishops have lost their privileged status, at last, and are scorned by the public, a vast change from the adoration they used to receive.

The Pope's letter of apology to Ireland the other day outraged everyone. Read this bloggers take on it:
Huffington Post Blog

There is the camp that says that The Pontiff is The Pontiff - you know the whole Papal Infallibility thing - and that he should just be allowed to be. End of story.

Then there's our camp. You see, we think that that the one man "responsible" for the moral authority of The Church should be held to a higher standard than most. This man shouldn't be or should never have been a Nazi, whether that was chosen or not. Sorry. That is the truth. Any man who was a Nazi should be INELIGIBLE to even be near the church and certainly NOT RUNNING IT!! And we also believe that The Pontiff shouldn't know ANY pedophiles, let alone a whole network of them. And he SHOULD NEVER EVER go out of his way to protect them! Jesus Christ! Are you there? We don't know any child rapists, why should he? He's the fucking POPE! No one anywhere near him in his entire LIFETIME should have ever been even questionable! This is the one freaking guy on the whole planet that should be squeaky clean! Are we alone in thinking this?

Bill Clinton was vilified for getting an adulterous blowjob. He was practically run out of town and became a joke and persona non grata. To this day he is laughed at. He was the President of the United States who never ever took a religious vow to be celibate. Yet, the people who take these vows - get a free pass when they have sex with children. WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK FUCK FUCK IS WRONG HERE??

This is not all. There have been some EXTREMELY DISTURBING reports coming from Vatican insiders that detail rampant Satanism, including Satanic rituals being carried out in the Vatican itself. This is nothing new to us. Edgar Cayce, The Sleeping Prophet, spoke sadly of this back in the 1920's. He wrote that "Satan has taken over the Roman Catholic Church." He then detailed some of what was given to him and it's sick but fits in perfectly when you hear and read about the power and sexual abuses that have occurred over the past 75 years in the church.

Church Satanism Telegraph Article

Satanism? Child Rape? Slapping kids in the face? What's next?

Well, let us tell you. There are unfolding priest sex scandals in several countries right now, including Brazil, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands and Germany to just name a few. In the United Sates alone the Church has forked over 2.5 BILLION with a B, to sex abuse victims.

We didn't even mention the "gay escort scandal". One of the top Vatican "holy"men, the very one who was one of Pope John Paul II's pall bearers is in trouble for arranging sexual affairs at the Vatican itself. This guy would bring in men that cost up to $2k a night for sex with the Bishops and whoever else had the money to pay for sex. The escort was so close to the Pontiff that he was the man that escorted (no pun intended) from the visitors area to the Holy See itself to visit the Pope. He is THATCLOSE to Benedict. Another WTF? directly from the Vatican.

Read some of the victim's stories. They are disgusting. Beatings, rape, humiliation,'s all there. The Pope should be in jail. He willingly and knowingly DID NOT call the police on a sex offender. He instead transferred the man to a new church. END. OF. STORY. Complicit. Child. Rape. No, he didn't stick his own dick in a child but he allowed that man to do so. HE ALLOWED IT. That's as much as SANCTIONING it. What up, Pope? You sick bastard.

Read more:
Top Church Abuses

UPDATE 3/26/2010
The Vatican issued this statement:
It lashed out at what it said was a "prevailing trend in the media" to ignore facts and spread an image of the Catholic Church "as if it were the only one responsible for sexual abuses – an image that does not correspond to reality."

Dear Vatican:
We understand that unfortunately you are correct in stating that Pedophiles are prevalent and maybe even sadly and horrifyingly rampant in the world today for some reason. However, MOST PEOPLE CALL THE COPS ON CHILD RAPISTS! THEY DON'T PROTECT THEM, HELP THEM AND ENABLE THEM FOR GOD'S SAKE. Your excuses are pathetic and meaningless. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED and not continuing to assign blame elsewhere! The fact that you just don't "get it" and that you cover it up - makes it so much worse in general and impossible for parishioners to get past. It's something you shouldn't get past - it needs to be dealt with. This "hush-hush" keep-it-a-secret policy has been devastating to us! Why can't you see that? Next time someone complains that a priest touched them - Call the fucking cops right that fucking second and stop it with the transfers already! Transfer the child raping scum to a prison cell not a new parish! ENOUGH ALREADY!

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it better myself!! Congrats for trying to open peoples eyes to whats really going on........behind the Vatican doors. I'd like to say its SHOCKING but honestly is anyone surprised??? Now he's trying to blame the Irish for everything!! Unreal.


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