Friday, April 2, 2010

Superman is Back

Boston Rob in his happier days before he knew Russell existed

What a turnaround for the Heroes tribe this week! Not one, but TWO wins getting a nice Reward feast and Immunity after one of the worst droughts in Survivor history. Colby completely redeemed himself getting the upper hand in both challenges and kicking ass, so we have our Superman back, sans girdle. Rupert, Rupert, Rupert! I'm not sure what's going on with you this year - you're kind of a disaster - but after ripping Russell's toupee off last night - you rock!

The reward challenge was another physical game and towards the end Russell and Rupert actually started to fight - fists were thrown just as hard as the animosity. It ended with Jeff calling the challenge for the Heroes and with Russell holding a soggy ball of toupee and revealing his baldy bald head. He looked like he wanted to kill Rupert literally. It was a kind of basketball challenge in water and Oh My - Coach is obviously not a golfer! Big Lebowski references aside, Coach cannot for the love of anyone play b-ball. Every shot was short and just awful. Poor Coach! It just wasn't his episode as we'll recount in all it's terrible glory.

When the Immunity Clue was read at the Reward feast, Rupert was disappointed to "be back in the game". Dude, seriously? AS LONG AS YOU ARE ON THE ISLAND YOU ARE IN THE GAME. Don't want to think about it anymore? Then go home and stop complaining about EVERYTHING this year.

Boston Rob and Coach each took turns getting distraught over Russell and who's going home. Coach has a love for Boston Rob unlike anything ever seen on television. It would be a beautiful thing if it weren't Boston Rob and Coach. But by episodes end, Coach was visibly upset and conflicted because he's "honor-bound" to play the game with Jerri, his Black Widow. He shook hands with Rob and promised not to vote him off minutes after kind of joining Jerri and Russell. Later, Coach confronted Jerri about "putting all her eggs in Russell's basket" which made us throw up a little but was funny and sad at the same time.

Jerri is totally hot. We'd take her over ho-bag Parvati any day. Call us, girl! We love you.

Jerri lamented that she was a terrible villain. We disagree. She might not feel like a villain, but when she lied right to Rob's face, that was it. Rob asked her point blank, "is it me?" and she said "I don't know" after laughing about voting him off at the beach 5 minutes before.

Russell spent his time rallying the tribe vote against Rob and building alliances with Coach and Jerri. And then came a CLASSIC RUSSELL Line:

Scene: Russell and Boston Rob relaxing on the beach with Sandra and Courtney.

BR: "Who would you vote off?"
Russell with a sweeping motion towards the girls: "One of these."

The shock was almost too much for BR who had to scrape his jaw off the sand. Sandra and Courtney just continued to play in the sand but you could read the look on their faces, they knew Russell was telling the truth. Rob was simply astonished. He's completely old school Survivor and Russell has him dazed, confused, ranting and raving half the time.

Of course, Russell was lying. His target was Rob all along and he GOT IT!

Again, at Tribal, Jeff mentioned that last week's Tribal was the best in the 20 year Survivor run. We agree!!!

Boston Rob was talking all kinds of bullshit about Russell and his style of game. Russell let Rob have it. "Loyalty?" Russell responded "I put my butt on the line for my people. I was willing to go home. If that isn't loyalty, I don't know what is. I don't think you have the guts to do what I did last Tribal." He was referring to his astonishing use of the Immunity Idol last week and it was AWESOME.

Coach kept his promise to Rob and threw his vote away, voting for Courtney. The rest of the tribe was split - Russell and Rob. Jerri's vote was the one that put Rob away. Coach tried to hug Rob as he got up, but Rob brushed him off calling him a "little man". Coach tried very hard not to cry. He knows he'll be vindicated. Rob just didn't know that Coach DID have his back and he mistakenly thinks Coach voted for him. They will have GREAT make up sex when it's all figured out.

Russell either did something very great last night by getting rid of Rob before the Merge and before Jury selection or he fucked up royally. How the hell the Villains are going to win anything without Rob is beyond us. However, it stands as one of the greatest elims ever and this season of Survivor is sooooooo good we can hardly breathe watching it! We'll miss you Boston Rob, you are awesome and we know why Coach loves you.

Our beloved Jeff Probst warned us that this was going to be the best Survivor ever and one to put all other seasons to shame. He was so right!

Jerri, the Black Widow

Parvati, Ho-Bag

Who would YOU rather?

Jeff Probst's EW Blog It's a fucking classic this week. Don't miss!!

1 comment:

  1. I chose the HO-BAG!! LOL Hey i heard that the POPE beat Russell to the immunity idol this time!


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