Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Help for the HUNGARIAN Gypsies!

An inspiration for us all...Mr. Geoffery Canada

One of our MOST HIGHLY FAVORED, DEDICATED, RESOURCEFUL, AWESOME, and COMPASSIONATE People is reaching out AGAIN, this time to help the poor gypsy children of Hungary.

Geoffery Canada , founder and inspirational leader of the Harlem Children's Zone, is in talks with the Hungarian government to branch out and educate some of the poorest, most desperate people on Earth, the Hungarian Roma's aka Gypsies.

"Everything in my professional, academic and personal lives has pointed to the same thing: that the key to breaking the cycle of generational poverty is creating a comprehensive education strategy," Canada said. "While the Roma have a very different history than the population served by the Harlem Children's Zone, I believe that the basic principles of our work can carry over to Hungary."
Way to go, Geoff!

Full article on Huffington Post.

Visit THCZ to get a better idea of how one man changed thousands and thousands of lives forever....
Harlems Children's Zone

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