Friday, April 2, 2010


This makes our blood boil and quite frankly we are outraged at this bullshit.

"Pope Benedict XVI's personal preacher on Friday likened accusations against the pope and the Catholic church in the sex abuse scandal to "collective violence" suffered by the Jews." The Rev. Raniero Cantalamessa said in a Good Friday homily with the pope listening in St. Peter's Basilica that a Jewish friend wrote to him to say the accusations remind him of the "more shameful aspects of anti-Semitism."

Stephan Kramer, general-secretary of Germany's Central Council of Jews, said Cantalamessa's remarks were "a so-far-unheard-of insolence." "It is repulsive, obscene and most of all offensive toward all abuse victims as well as to all the victims of the Holocaust," Kramer said. "So far I haven't seen St. Peter burning, nor were there outbursts of violence against Catholic priests. I'm without words. The Vatican is now trying to turn the perpetrators into victims."

I'm sure our Jewish friends are shaking their heads over this.

Here we go: a pedophile priests rapes a young boy, gets transferred from parish to parish over a 25 year span, raping more boys along the way, the pedophiles' boss doesn't care, lets it happen over and over, FINALLY GETS CALLED OUT ON IT and when the backlash gets too much compares his "suffering" to the Jews? WTF?

We tried to understand, even through our outrage that maybe the Church can change. Not anymore, this is outright WAR. The Catholic Church has PROVEN Over and Over Again that is a despicable organization. They have been exposed as the Pedophile Ring that they are. This is the last straw. They blamed the victims, the media, the Devil, the parishioners themselves, the gay community and now they are suffering like the Jews during Holocaust? FUCK YOU!

Our outrage stems from the fact that these are supposed to be HOLY MEN. They are supposed to be held up to a higher standard than most. Pedophilia happens everywhere unfortunately, but when it happens at a school, police are called, when it happens anywhere, police are called. Why do they feel they are beyond this? They are acting very defiantly and very defensively and it's uncalled for and offensive.

We understand it is Holy Week and that those of you will never understand why we attack the Vatican at all let alone on Holy Week. Well, it's because they are using their penises on children, lying about it, covering it up and blaming everyone else but themselves and they refuse to take any responsibility. That's why!


Vatican Backtracks Now the Pope's personal preacher isn't even a Vatican official. They really don't realize what assholes they are, do they?

NOTE to Catholics: We keep reading that Catholics are questioning their faith in this sex scandal crisis. Don't question your faith. Question the authority that allows child rapists to continue to say Mass. We urge you to: FIRE THE ENTIRE DAMN HIERARCHY OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND RECLAIM YOUR RELIGION AND YOUR FAITH IN IT! "

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