Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dr. Hawass Starts a Trend

We all know that the Renowned and Highly Esteemed Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities of Egypt and Last Great Pharaoh, Dr. Zahi Hawass, has been on a one-man quest to set right the modern world of antiquity storage by demanding that museums and collectors all over the world return any and all Egyptian artifacts removed from Egypt during colonial times.

We're on board with that. As a matter of fact, it is by far the highest ranked reason we have for liking the guy. The list for why we hate him (We know -we're not supposed to mention THAT anymore) is even longer and begins and ends with the word Gatenbrink - however - we shall reserve that bitchfest for a later time.

WELL, AS IT TURNS OUT - Others are following in his trendsetting footsteps! New Zealand has demanded the return of as many as 15 Maori heads from decapitated warriors taken in the 18th and 19th centuries by explorers. Actually, NZ demanded these back years ago, but, we are asserting here at The Omni Report, because of Dr. Hawass's successful arguments elsewhere, France has capitulated and will return them, clearing out an entire museum in the process.

For me, archaeology is not a just a job.
It combines everything that I could want
- imagination, intellect, action, and adventure.
— Zahi Hawass


BBC article on Maori Warrior return

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