Tuesday, May 25, 2010

LOST: The End

Christian Shepard leading everyone to the Light

Well, it’s over. The amazing journey of the castaways has left us worn out and glad it has come to an end.

Are you disappointed with the series finale? We weren’t. Knowing that TV writers rarely give the kind of closure that a fanatic needs, we knew we weren’t going to get what we needed.

So? What do we do? We MAKE IT UP! That’s right. In our heads. It’s called “IMAGINATION”.

Need to know what the numbers mean? They are the Valenzetti Equation. Whatever the hell that is.

Need to know why Walt was special and they never mentioned him again? Well, the kid actor grew too fast for the role (He went from 12 to 21) and so the writers rewrote “Special Walt” and created the Desmond character– He was “Special” too.

What about the “Hurley Bird”, the beautiful plumed Phoenix bird that spoke to Hurley in one episode, seasons ago? We’re not sure, so we're going to go with: It was probably the Island speaking to the future protector.

What about Whidmore and Eloise, The Dharma Initiative and the Dharma food drops? More un-solved "mysteries". But are they? What more did we need to know?

Okay, we wanted to know more about the sonic fence and why it would stop Smokey, but again we are going with: The Island's EM fields. That answer fits to most of the questions anyway. Why did this happen? Oh, right. The EM fields. Gotcha.

What about EVERYTHING ELSE? We have to go with: It’s the journey not the destination.

So, what exactly happened?

The island has been there long enough for the Egyptians to be there and build a statue and a temple. It’s probably WAY older than that when you think of how the light cave had infrastructure and writing on it. Something built the “plug” in the cave.

A woman was there, from some unknown time and place. She was desperate for a successor to “guard the Light” that is at the heart of the island. She killed a pregnant shipwreck survivor and raised the twin boys as her own. She put some sort of protection on them so that they couldn’t hurt one another and that they couldn’t ever leave the island. This made the darker brother very angry and he spent his ENTIRE life trying to get off the island. This brother lived with The Others on the island. The Romans and or others that had also been shipwrecked and built a village there. This brother, known only as MIB for Man in Black, used those people as a way to get off the island. He discovered Electromagnetic pockets (EM fields) on the island and tried to find a way to use that. In doing so, he created what the viewers call “The Donkey Wheel”. This “time travel” device was a way to get on and off the island. MIB didn’t get to finish the device though because when his “mother” found out, she was livid and destroyed it, the village, The Others and almost her son, too. This made MIB madder than hell! The Wheel had been his ticket out! So he killed his mother in a rage. When, Jacob, the lighter brother found out, he went just as crazy! He beat up his brother and threw his unconscious body into the light source! This killed the brother and he and the mother were interred by Jacob in a cave. However, the mans spirit continued to survive on the island as The Smoke Monster.

Jacob and The Smoke Monster lived on the island for another 2000 years together with Smokey trying to leave the entire time.

It was during this time, that Jacob decided he didn’t like the way the island guardianship had been forced upon him and his brother, so he chose Candidates to come to the island. The ones we were familiar with were the Oceanic airplane crash victims, aka our castaways. They didn’t know they were candidates and this led to one of the mysteries of the island.

Other people before the castaways were stuck on the island, too. The slave ship, Black Rock, crashed there in the 1800’s and brought beloved character Richard to the island. The United States army was there weapons testing in the 1950’s. They brought the Jughead Atomic bomb. The Dharma Initiative people were there in the 1970’s and they brought all the cool super-rad stuff like the Dharma Beer and Dharma Vans. They also built all the hatches and "Dharma Stations". All of these groups had influence on the island in some way.

The Oceanic castaways were given 6 seasons of comedy and drama for us to “weed through” and it seems everyone made a lot of a little and a little out of a lot. Faith vs. Science. Light vs. Dark. Good vs. Evil. Guilt vs. Redemption. It was all there. Mommy issues, Daddy Issues, Relationship issues, all played out. But what made it great was the setting. A mystery island.

So, what about the end? Was it all in Jack's head?

Of course, not. Everything that happened on the island was REAL. Everything. The main character was Jack, hence his point of view: eye opening in the pilot and eye closing in the finale. But it was the story of Jack and the people in his life, in the crash, relating to the island that he was destined to be a protector of. It was the story of the Oceanic survivors, with Jack as the main protagonist.

The flashbacks in the first few seasons fleshed out the characters and gave us their story.

The flashforwards in the middles seasons were REAL as well and showed what happened when the first 6 of them got rescued. The Oceanic 6, remember?

The flash-sideways weren't so much not real or false as it was...not real or false. This gets harder to explain but it was a sort of purgatory, where they all met to cross over together. It was through love or a near-death experience that they recognized each other and remembered the island. They were dead in this "reality", but what was happening on the island during this season was real.

The time flashes? Easy. When Ben turned the wheel that MIB had created (and we assume that either the army in the 50's or Dharma in the 70's had reassembled it), it made the island disappear in time. This was bad because everyone started jumping through time, getting nosebleeds, ratings plummeted, people tuned out because they were confused. When Juliette detonated the bomb Jughead, it re-set the time on the island. Everyone stopped time jumping, the island became visible again.

Jack's father, Christian said that some had died "before you and some long after". This meant that when Jack died on the island, he really died. The plane that rescued the only Oceanic people (Sawyer, Kate and Claire) and the three others (Richard, Frank and Miles) made it to safety. Kate lived a long life. When she saw Jack she told him how much she had missed him. This meant in the ensuing years after her rescue.

This explains why we knew Penny was alive and yet in the church.

In the end all the important people in Jacks' life were there for him to cross over with.

And in the very end, we saw Vincent the dog stay with Jack and knew that his body wouldn't lie there forever and that Hurley, Ben, Rose and Bernard gave him a nice funeral.

And in the end, we knew the island was better than it had been in thousands of years. 2 protectors that wanted to be there, no more Smoke monster or Dharma bears, and happy people.

Very well, done LOST.

We got our "Titanic/Places in the Heart" ending. Throughout the episode we saw character after character reunite with their true loves. Most of them coming together at the Church of All Religions for a great reunion. It was a good kind of closure.

Ben couldn't/wouldn't go into the church. He killed what - 150 people in his lifetime? His dad, the entire Dharma Initiative, John Locke - two, three times, Charles. He had more time to spend getting together with sideflash Rousseau and re-forming bonds with Alex. Our guess...

Richard came to the island as a slave and left 200 years later in First Class! Talk about awesome closure for a great character.

Go to LOSTPEDIA and look up your LOST questions there. Or do it by topic and put together your own theories. It's a great site!

Jack and Vincent at the The End

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