Friday, June 18, 2010

"Dammit Congress! I'm a Chief Executive Officer Not a Cement Engineer!

Tony "I'm a worthless, lying, piece of shit" Hayward

Way to go, Tony Hayward! You have conclusively proved that you have done nothing to earn your enormous salary, your $14 million dollar 2009 bonus and that basically you are a vapid figurehead without any sort of merit. So much for that "laser beam focus on safety." We think you suck ass.

And you, Representative Barton from Texas should be tried for TREASON! It's amazing what will unite Republicans and Democrats. This guy took it it upon himself to apologize to BP for the 20B "shakedown." How much does BP pay him to be their boy on the Hill? Obviously ALOT. This Barton guy blew his wad in one shot and deserves to be tarred and feathered along with all the BP executives who saved a million there, a day of labor here, checked off on non-existent safety standards here and there. We're having a fit over this guy's impromptu speech. How dare you apologize to a company that has destroyed our National Treasure. What a DICK.

As for Mr. Hayward. Wowza! This guy should have just yelled "I am above the law!", asked for tea and signed some autographs. What a waste of time! Halfway through we were hoping that a bucket of blood, ala Carrie, would be dumped on his head. Ummm....make that oil.


  1. AnonymousJune 18, 2010

    A-GREED.Hey tony how would you like it if the United States dumped a million gallons of oil in your beloved Thames river.What a walking handjob this guy is but he's not the only one,mind you!Barton proved that we need to really take a good look at who we trust. The sad thing is this is hurting relations between these two normally friendly nations! Kick BP out,cap the hole,clean up the mess and bring BP back in to pay off all the claims and damages. Once again good job OMNI REPORT.

  2. AnonymousJune 18, 2010

    I bet you Mr. Scott from Star Trek could have fixed it by now?? What a waste of time this guy is. We should change his name to Phony Wayward....LOL


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