Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Deadliest Catch: Missing Captain Phil

(left to right): Captain Keith Colburn, Captain Andy Hilstrand,
Captain Jonathan Hilstrand, Captain Phil Harris, Captain Sig Hansen
A rare moment when all are enjoying a good laugh

This has been the BEST season of Deadliest Catch. Hands down. This show has always been fun for some reason. Who would think a show about Bering Sea crabbing could be this engaging, compelling and...good? Nobody. Which is why it was such a surprise hit to everyone involved.

This year has been the most watched season by far, due in part... hell due altogether, to the morbid curiosity factor of the Anticipation of the Captain Phil Death Scene. We think it's more than that as well, though. People, the viewers, LIKED Phil. He was the one Captain that although not normal, none of these men are normal, was the most relatable. And the coolest. Viewers wanted to see him this final season doing what he did and didn't do best - fishing and dealing with his beloved two sons, Jake and Josh.

Last night's episode was heart wrenching. We'll focus on Phil's boat, The Cornelia Marie. We got to see a terrible thing. Jake, the youngest son, was caught stealing pain meds from his dad, Phil and basically Phil blew up and lost his mind. He was shaking and yelling. He told Jake "I don't want to ever see you again and I want to punch your teeth in." Young Jake looked uncharacteristically upset. He turned away from the camera and whispered to his dad, "I'm an addict." This softened up the old man and he told Jake to basically get to a rehab asap. Then he said "I'll be there to help you through it." Was there a dry eye in the house? How about when Jake said "I don't disrespect you. I love you, Pops" and Phil hugged him back. Not crying yet?

Well, the next time we see Phil, he was taking a stroll down Memory Lane with old family photos and laughing about how cute Jake looked as a toddler. The boys showed up. After avoiding the old man for a good while, they both went to the wheelhouse and had fun with him as they all laughed at the pictures. An old photo of Phil, younger, skinnier, longer hair, made the boys laugh. Josh joked about "a mullet" and Phil called him a freak. It was great knowing they had that final time with their dad.

Phil stroked out a few hours later after leaving the wheelhouse for his stateroom. A deckhand found him lying face down on the floor and they all called paramedics. Jake cried alot and Josh tried to take control. There was mayhem, a lot of people involved and the crew itself looked devastated. Phil was still alive and able to say his name. He even allowed Discovery to film it all. The show ended with Phil being craned over the side to an ambulance and Josh jumping inside to go to the hospital.

We all know what happens next. And although it should be a trainwreck, we think the show has done a good job of handling what happened without sensationalizing it. Next week, the fleet learns what happens.

The After the Catch show featured The Northwestern last night, so Sig and Edgar were there to discuss their life with the boat. All of the Captains are popular. Jonathan and Andy Hilstrand landed Geico commercials and they kill in them. But Sig Hansen and his bro Edgar are a different breed.

It was almost as difficult watching Edgar go through a mid-life crisis than it was watching Phil's last moments. Edgar was the hard-ass, deckboss, know it all, that had fun riding people and busting their balls. Not anymore. Age has hit him hard and at only 40-something Edgar moves like a old man. Herniated this, busted that, torn everything. More than that, he misses his family and wants to raise his kids before the boys turn to crime and the girls hit the pole. As he put it "These kids are at an age now where if I don’t step in now and help guide them in the direction they need to go, they’re gonna be lost and so will I. And I’ll be fucking damned if I’m gonna let that happen. If I have that choice between helping them and hauling a crab pot, I’ll tell you right here at this table, it’s gonna be helping them.” With that emphatically off his chest, Captain Keith Colburn shook his hand in respect and solidarity. Edgar has gone from Mr. Hardguy to Mr. Introspective and you know, we like it.

UPDATE: The last 8 episodes from this years season will ALL feature Phil and his passing, culminating with a one hour Phil special the week before the season finale 7/20. The July 13th ep will be the Big One, so prepare.

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