Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Pope Can Go Pound Sand

We don't want your half-hearted bullshitty apology on why you still tolerate pedophiles, Mr. Pontiff. Fuck off.

Here's what we want:

That's right. We want the ENTIRE LOT SACKED, RIGHT NOW. Why is it when a nun saves a mother of 4 by ordering an emergency abortion, she's excommunicated in about a 5-second process, whereas the priests that put their penises in little children are allowed to seek your protection for their entire lifetime, with no consequence for their illegal, immoral and reprehensible behavior? We want them OUT NOW.

2) Stop Living in an Art Gallery
It's a joke that nuns and priests are expected to take vows of poverty, yet you yourself, The Pontiff, live in a gilded cage. It's actually despicable and we were sick when we saw it for ourselves. Gold covered everything, marble floors, millions of dollars worth of art. Are you an actual religion or pretend?

3) Spread the Wealth - Stop Hoarding It
Catholic Church Hoardes Weath article
We are sick and tired of hearing of priests living in mansions. We had a Cardinal here in the Philly area that literally spent thousands of dollars having his vacation Jersey Shore home refurnished. His VACATION home! This sickening example of abuse of power and wealth is a drop in the bucket. These guys priests have no financial oversight or accountability and spend the "Fix the Roof Funds" on hookers and limos to the Poconos every Tuesday through Friday!

4) Allow Birth Control
This is a NO BRAINER! Regardless of how you feel about pre-marital sex, and "the sacredness of life" the fact that people are dying of AIDS should be reason enough to lift the ban on condoms. This isn't the 14th century and excuse us if we say that God would like people to protect themselves any way they can! Get over it.

5) Stop Persecuting Gays and Lesbians and Actually Read Leviticus
The fact that you perpetuate the myth that gays are pedophile loving miscreants that deserve to burn in hell forever is despicable. The Church, of all things, people and places, should have a better grip on the mindless crap that they are peddling. For example, for a priest to say a gay man is going to hell, while himself devouring a plate of fried shrimp is blasphemous! The Church is NOT PROTECTING YOU WHEN THEY FORGET TO TELL YOU THAT EATING SHELLFISH IS A PUNISHABLE SIN, JUST LIKE HOMOSEXUALITY. You will burn in hell for that! Sound ridiculous? Well, so does being mean to gay people for no fucking reason.

6) Protect the Environment - We Are the Stewards God Left in Charge
The entire Earth thing is RIGHT THERE ON THE FIRST FUCKING PAGE OF THE BIBLE! What right do we have trashing the planet beyond recognition? God left us in charge and when he "gets back" he is going to be as pissed off a parent who left the house in charge of a 16 year old and now has to rebuild the entire goddamn thing. One of your most belived Saints - St. Francis - is the Patron Saint of Earth and the Animals. Yes, you have your own patron saint for that - USE HIM!

7) Stress Compassion for Animals at Every Sermon by Channeling Some St. Francis
Jesus was called the Lamb of God, The Shepard. Right now, he'd probably "find it real hard to be the Shepard!" We will be judged as a nation by the way we treated the least of us and as of this post, not only are we failing miserably at being humane to animals but we are off the chart insane for the way we treat them.

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJune 17, 2010

    What do the Pontiff and BP have in common? They both took a NASTY SPILL!! By the way Dope Pope your apology is not fucking clown. I can see a pope begging for forgiveness but in this case just fucking act right and shut the fuck up. The only reason he cares now is they are being outed and he and vatican are afraid of losing more money!! Oh wait they have that in common with BP also.....GREED!!! You better beg the creator for forgiveness,not us fraud!!


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