Thursday, June 10, 2010

Scotland's Ghost Radio

A ghostly phenomenon in Scotland has the people that hear it completely mystified.

The Montrose Air Station in Scotland was Britain’s first operational military airfield. It was founded by the Royal Flying Corps in 1913 and today is a Heritage Center and museum.

Strange goings-on and mysterious paranormal activity has been reported here since World War I. Everything from phantom footsteps, strange physical energies, sounds of aircraft engines, doors open and shutting by themselves and full-body apparitions. Not to mention the haunting of a young pilot who was killed on site in a fatal crash.

The best part of this haunted airbase? The vintage radio! It sits year after year, unplugged, not a spark of electric current in sight, and continues to broadcast The Glen Miller Band, punctuated by short bursts of speeches by Winston Churchill!

The phantom broadcasts come in irregular intervals but can be heard for up to 30 minutes at time. They have been witnessed by many, many different people, from paranormal investigators to the ordinary folks who run the museum.

Here's the awesome factor: Technicians who examined it removed the back, but found "nothing but cobwebs and spiders".

The radio has no parts, it's basically a historic facade of a relic, has no power supply, no nearby transmitter and yet apparently still loves to belt out: "At Last" by the late great Glenn Miller.

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