Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Small People"

Could the BP executives be anymore insensitive, annoying, ridiculously greedy or more monstrous? Oh, Hell Yes! These guys are a bunch of ass clowns that need to be tarred and feathered. Do we still do that anymore? The Omni Report is calling for an immediate reinstatement of this horrific punishment. The burning oil cascading off of Tony Hayward's pale Brit frame would serve as a wake up call to him for what the wildlife in the Gulf are feeling and dealing with.

The BP Chairman calling the Gulf residents "Small People" WAS NOT A MISTAKE! This is a guy who sits in a walnut and oak lined boardroom, runs a billion dollar company and doesn't answer to anybody - in other words, when he was referring to the small people, he MEANT it! Do you think for a nanosecond that this guy considers himself equal to a shrimper, crabber or hotel owner? Hell No. This guy is above the law, he knows it and his lexicon doesn't have any other word for poor people other than small. He's not even being a dick, he's just who he is - Mr. Millionaire Chairman Who Will Get A Multi-Million Dollar Bonus Next Year On Top Of His Already Ridiculous Salary. Is it in his job description to care about Small People?

BP should have spent the money on safety and spill cleanup research. For all they are spending to clean up this mess and to buy Google and TV ads, they could have spent up to ONE MILLION DOLLARS PER WORKER getting them the best health care, safety gear, training and work environments money could buy. BP also could have spent up to what? 20 BILLION DOLLARS on spill technology?

This unconscionable act is literally a dark stain on American history. BP can be blamed, but only so far. You see, of course they were going to cut corners and save every dollar they could. They are a corporation, the very definition of which translates into something like "insane."

The fault for this entire scenario lies squarely on the United States. We ALLOW this bullshit to happen. We allow foreign companies to come here and drill wherever they want, no safety regulations, no fail-safes, no backup plans, no contingency whatsoever, NOTHING. They operate and do what they what, when they want.

Yet, if you want to start a Girl Scout Troop, you have to jump through fucking hoops to get it going. You have to fill out form after form and wait for approval, etc.

Our government has failed us yet again.

So when BP Chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg calls us "Small People" he means it and the US Government not the people deserve it. We're talking to you Dick.

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