Thursday, June 3, 2010

"Those morons don't know what they're doing"

Well, well, Mr. James Cameron, we agree again. Your above statement hits the nail on the moronic head.

What does a Hollywood director have to do with the oil spill? Which one? James Cameron or Kevin Costner?

Both are speaking out about the Gulf Spill, what we at Omni are calling: "The Great Wetlands Devastation of 2010."

From the article:

"Over the last few weeks I've watched, as we all have, with growing horror and heartache, watching what's happening in the Gulf and thinking those morons don't know what they're doing," Cameron said. "The government really needs to have its own independent ability to go down there and image the site, survey the site and do its own investigation and monitor it," Cameron said. "Because if you're not monitoring it independently, you're asking the perpetrator to give you the video of the crime scene."

Cameron developed expertise in deep sea robotic vehicles and submersibles over a period of 22 years, he said. That's led to the filming of two documentaries about the Titanic, as well as the feature film of that name, which at the time was the highest-grossing feature film ever. He also directed "The Abyss."

"Wait a minute, I know a lot of smart people in deep submergence," Cameron said he thought as the Gulf crisis deepened. "Why don't I just get all these people that I know together for a brainstorming session?"

Cameron told the audience that on Tuesday he had gathered 23 people -- a "who's who" of the deep sea robotics community -- together through the auspices of the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington,
though no one from the EPA attended the meeting at the agency's headquarters.

At least the man is trying. He knows the oceans and has the money and clout to operate the deep sea subs needed to fix the gusher.

Kevin Costner? Who knew!?

"Costner’s Oil Spill Separation Machines have been in the making for over 15 years for exactly this kind of ocean disaster like the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989. Luckily BP has now approved and has set out to test out Kevin’s inventions, highlighting his “high-speed centrifuge machine called Ocean Therapy.” This new technology has been “prepared to go out and solve problems, not talk about them,” the actor said of this ocean remediation invention."

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