Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why Do We Give So Much Money To Foreign Countries?

The Obama Administration announced today $400 MILLION in aid money for Gaza.

Do you know what $400 MILLION could do for our own country? For the fisherman/hotel owners/restaurant owners in the Gulf?

In all fairness, having seen the pictures from Gaza that are truly horrifying: children playing next to the piled up heaps of rubble that used to be their apartment building and just rubble, rubble everywhere and not a drop to drink. It's a bombed out nightmare and they do desperately need international aid and relief.

HOWEVER, does anyone know how much money The United States gives away everyday to non-Americans? How come we never hear about New Jersey getting a $400 million dollar check to help people pay rent/heat/food bills? Why are homeless shelters forced to "get by?" Why do we even have homeless people anymore? How many people are still starving in Appalachia? How many Americans will forego seeing a dentist this year because they can't afford it? How many Americans TONIGHT are going to agonize over deciding between paying for food, rent or medicine because they can only afford 1 or 2 out of the 3? When was the last time a Native American Reservation was the recipient of a $400 Million check?

Why would you give anything to a foreign country, say over $100 Million, when YOU KNOW that so Americans are out of work, out of benefits and committing suicide everyday because as a nation we are so depressed we can't even think straight.

We totally don't get it.

We have lost all sanity and logic as the human race. If we ever had it.

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