Wednesday, July 7, 2010

2 Years - Suspended Sentence!

Sea Shepherd activist, Captain Pete Bethune, formerly of the speedship Ady Gil, received a suspended 2 year jail term in his sentencing today in Tokyo.

To the relief of his family Pete will be home in New Zealand shortly where he plans to spend at least 6 months working on a book and spending time with his family after the 5 months he spent in a Japanese prison.

The Sea Shepherd's Head Honcho and Founder, Paul Watson, is on the Interpol Most Wanted List for ordering Bethune to board the Japanese whaling ship where the incident took place.

Watson, who was live on Larry King last week says that while he is not hiding from Interpol he certainly isn't going to turn himself in for a show trial in Japan.

Whale Wars, the reality show that has documented the Shepherds for 3 years now airs Friday nights at 9 pm. Tune in THIS WEEK for the big Ady Gil incident and we can see for ourselves what happened.

Whaling in the protected waters of the arctic where they breed is abominable. The Arctic should be a preserved wildlife area. You should see the way the Fuckonese run the poor whales down - at tremendous speeds up to 20 knots! It's sickening.

The Omni Report supports the Sea Shepherds and their conservation spirit.

Congrats, Pete for making it out in one piece and trying to make a difference in the lives of the majestic, innocent and beautiful whales. You are a Hero.

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