Friday, October 22, 2010

FUCK YOU CHINA. You Can Suck On It

We live in America. A supposedly free and happy land where Freedom is treasured and essential. In America, where you are "free", it doesn't seem to matter to most Americans that we really are not free at all. That we are forced to wear seat belts when driving, are put in jail for smoking pot and do not allow same-sex couples to marry legally, to name a few injustices.

What bothers us most, is the continued efforts by far-left extremists like Sarah Palin to have even more of our constitutionally protected rights taken from us. A person like Sarah Palin, who has absolutely no problem walking into the wilderness, taking her shotgun and blowing a hole through a wolf or a moose and has no problems stuffing live turkeys into a grinder. To her life isn't sacred, it what's for dinner.

Until it comes to you! No abortion rights for you. No right to same-sex marriages for you! No pot-growing for you! Because God wills it so. We are to protect unborn children, hate-crime gays and lesbians, and stigmatize and jail pot smokers, because it is God's will. Forget the nursing wolf who just carried a litter of pups through a horrendous winter...kill her. God put her there obviously so you can hone your shooting skills. Oh, you're a raped and impregnated 27 year old woman who would prefer not to give birth? Sorry, honey. God willed it.

So what is our point and what the hell does it have to do with China?

Well, in this country you can't get an abortion without being made to feel like a fucking monster and politicians go out of their way to shun you and take away your freedoms. In China, when you are pregnant and violating the one-child only rule, the government comes to your door and takes you away to be beaten and forcefully aborted.

In what is certainly one of the most horrendous stories to come from China - and believe us there are so many reasons why China is fucked up beyond belief - this story literally made us stand up and scream with indignation.

"An eight-months pregnant woman was dragged from her home and forced to have an abortion because she had broken China’s one-child-per-family law.

Twelve government officials entered Xiao Aiying’s house where they hit and kicked her in the stomach, before taking her kicking and screaming to hospital.

They held her hands behind her back and pushed her head against the wall and kicked her in the stomach,’ he (the husband) said. ‘I don’t know if they were trying to give her a miscarriage.

The 36-year-old woman was restrained as doctors injected her with a drug to kill the unborn baby.

The wife, who was filmed in hospital with large bruises on her arms and her dead child still inside her, said: ‘I have had this baby, feeling it moving around and around my belly. Can you imagine how I feel now.’

Actually, NO. Because this is the most offensive, senseless, disgusting thing we have ever heard of.

We have super-snarky, super-sarcastic feelings about our own country, America, where we personally feel alienated and criminalized but it just doesn't even compare to CHINA, where feeling alienated and criminalized is a birthright.

That is if you are allowed to be born.

Full Article

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