Tuesday, November 9, 2010


"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives."

The long-running NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives celebrated their 45th year yesterday by "breaking the fourth wall" at the end of the show with a little "hello" from cast member Suzanne Rogers.

“Today, we’re celebrating 45 years of Days of Our Lives. Our families have been through a lot together, and today we especially want to thank you for being with us through it all and to let you know that we are looking forward to many more years of all of us sharing…the Days of Our Lives."

Yes, we've been through ALOT! From the drug dealing "days" of Snake, the many abductions of Marlena, the many deaths of John Black, The never-ending saga of Bo and Hope, The Hortons, The Bradys, THE EVIL AND AWESOME STEFANO DiMERA, the daunting Victor Kiriakis, Demonic possessions, The Paris Underground, Paternity Questions, Live Burials, Deaths, Weddings, Births and The This-That and Every-Other-Thing of a Daily Soap Opera.

A BIG HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO DAYS. We don't know what we'd do without ya! And we won't have to wonder. As of yesterday, November 8th, 2010, the 45th anniversary of the show, Days was renewed for another 2 years with a 3rd year option! The show has survived and thrived where many others have fallen by the wayside.

EW's KEN CORDAY Interview!

Will John and Marlena return to Salem?
Will Stefano discover he has yet another biological love child?
Will the evil Vivian succeed in destroying Maggie?
Will Melanie find out that Phillip has been lying about his "family business"?
Will everyone find out that it was Sammi who shot EJ?
Will Kate's nostrils continue to flare for another 23 seasons?

Official Days page at NBC.Com
- Cast lists, episode guides, spoilers and more!

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