Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Billy the Kid and Jim Morrison

One of the most famous outlaws in American history, Billy the Kid has come to symbolize the Wild West.

He had killed a Sheriff and was convicted and sent to jail for it. He escaped prison, in the process killing two deputies, and fled into the night.

Sheriff Pat Garrett tracked Billy the Kid down and shot him as he hid in a darkened room and ambushed The Kid as he entered.

Now the debate rages on as to if Billy the Kid should be pardoned for his crimes.

Apparently, New Mexico's territorial Governor at the time, Lewis Wallace, had promised Billy a pardon if he turned himself in. Billy, real name William Bonney, had been in the process of turning himself in when ambushed and killed by Pat Garrett. Garrett has always been the hero in the story and his relatives are furious at this supposed modern day pardon.

The Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, is reviewing the historical record and will have a chance to pardon the then 21 year old posthumously. These crimes and events took place in the 1880's.

Many people are for it and many are opposed.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, defense attorney Randi McGinn: "Governor Wallace did not keep his end of the deal, which was to pardon Mr. Bonney for all outstanding charges, including the pending indictment related to the death of Sheriff William Brady," McGinn wrote last week. "This injustice should be corrected. Why would he [Bonney] surrender himself ... unless there was something in it for him?" McGinn asked Wednesday.

We're not sure where we stand except to state that maybe it's not really an open and shut case. They didn't have forensics back then, there's not many reliable witnesses and the case may not be as open and shut, black and white as we all think.

This is just one historical case in the news this week...

Finally.... it's The End

Florida Governor Charlie Crist has issued a posthumous pardon for Jim Morrison, of Doors fame. The singer had been arrested at a Miami concert in 1969 and charged with exposing himself. He never did expose himself and contested the charges, fled to Paris and died there in 1971 while still trying to clear his name. Crist, a huge Doors fan, pardoned the singer earlier this month. Morrison was born in Florida and Crist is trying to make amends to their native son. The Doors aren't having it though. They don't want a pardon for a crime never committed, they want it expunged from the record entirely.

Come on guys...take what you can get! Let it go...

Also in the news is the huge deal regarding John Wilkes Booth. We will be compiling an article on that later today...

CNN News Article - Billy the Kid

CBS News Article - Why The Doors are Still Angry

UPDATE 12/31/2010: No pardon for Billy the Kid...still an outlaw! New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has declined a pardon saying the killing of two deputies was too much to forgive. We agree. Murder is unpardonable unless in self-defense.

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