Friday, January 21, 2011

The Dangers of a Viral Media Age

2 weeks ago a story went around the internet that went "viral". Meaning, that it spread like wildfire overnight.

It was about Sal Esposito and his call to jury duty. Sal, a Boston area cat, was listed on his owners census and subsequently, through error, sent a call to jury duty form. When the owners tried to get him off, they listed him as "unable to speak English."

Yes, it's a cute story. People latched onto both the cat and the system's foolishness. But...

IT HAPPENED LAST YEAR. Not January 2011, but JANUARY 2010!

Beware the media. Research your facts and do not believe everything you read....

Except for The Omni Report. Our Standard of Excellence is Impeccable.

Did you believe that?

We said never believe everything you read! No one is infallible. Even though we want to think we are perfect.

Note: We read the story when it broke early 2011 and DID not publish it. So we did not fall for this particular viral story. We shall strive to continue to check our facts as we've been doing since we launched June 2009.

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