Saturday, January 15, 2011

Göbekli Tepe

This is by far the most important archaeological and historical site you've never heard of.

Göbekli Tepe is a "stonehengian" like site in Southeastern Turkey, about 500 miles from Istanbul, in Sanhurfa. It's actually called The Turkish Stonehenge. It was discovered in 1994 by a local shepard and is currently a dig site led by the German Archaeological Institute, headed by chief archaeologist Klaus Schmidt.

At this point only 5% of the site has been excavated. But that 5% is so incredibly astounding that it is being called the most important archaeological find in HISTORY. That's right, folks. History.

Why? What is Göbekli Tepe and why is it heralded as the greatest discovery in modern times? Better yet, why have we never even heard of it?

We can answer that last one easily enough, no conspiracy theory here. It makes news in Europe all the time. Americans just don't seem to give a flying fuck about anything of historical importance. Sorry to be so cynical. We're just going on experience here.

Which brings us back to the first two questions. What is IT about Göbekli Tepe?

Göbekli Tepe (GO-BECK-LI TEP-EE) is the site of the OLDEST archaeological dig on the planet. The dates put forth by archaeologists are astounding. It was built somwhere between 11,500 and 12,000 years ago. We want to think it is the first BONA-FIDE ANTEDILUVIAN (Pre-Flood) site ever discovered, but we have a theory on that.

Göbekli Tepe is the oldest human made place of worship yet discovered. Hands down. That means it pre-dates Jericho, anything in South America and is beat only by the 100,000 year old gold mines in Africa. (Which are currently not being excavated. And are not on the archaeological radar. We're talking MAJOR conspiracy there.)

Thus, the structures (at Göbekli Tepe) not only predate pottery, metallurgy, and the invention of writing or the wheel; they were built before the so-called Neolithic Revolution, i.e., the beginning of agriculture and animal husbandry around 9000 BC.

It's so much older even than Sumer. And Sumer was known until now to be the beginning of history. Göbekli Tepe is twice as old as that and literally doubles human history. It's incredible.

The figures on the pillars unearthed so far represent animals of all shapes and class. A veritable "Noah's Ark." Interestingly, Göbekli Tepe is located in the shadow of Mount Ararat where Noah's Ark was said to have been left after The Flood.

This leads to our theory. "The Noah's Altar Theory", which we at Omni are coining as a term.

First a note about The Flood Myths around the World and the many names of Noah. We know Noah as the Flood survivor named in the Hebrew bible. God came down, spoke to Noah and asked him to build an ark to save his family, other righteous folks and one of every animal on Earth.

But Noah is known by many names:
Sumer: King Ziusudra
Babylon: Utnapishtim
Greece: Deucalion
China: Yu
India: Manu
Scandinavia: Bergelmir
Welsh: Dwyfan
East Africa: Tumbainot
Mongolia: Hailibu

Oh, jeez this goes on and on. EVERY civilization on the face of the Earth has a flood myth and a flood hero. For a semi bit more intensive list go to:

Back to the Hebrew version and Noah. The Bible states that the very first thing Noah did when he landed and was safe was build an altar to God. Genesis Chapter 8 Verse 20: "Then Noah built an altar to the LORD."

This is what we think Göbekli Tepe could be. Noah's Altar.

"Noah" was technologically savvy enough to build an ark to survive the global flood from the last ice age, and his people lived long before The Flood. The Antediluvian Society. A civilization that existed before the great global flood. This altar seems to be his work of praise to the almighty God.

What would this altar look like? Would it have animals carved on it? Isn't Noah synonymous with animals?

Interestingly, Göbekli Tepe was purposely buried. That's right. Tons of soil were carefully packed around the structures until it was invisible to the naked eye. It was that important. To save it from invading hordes or other destruction and to save it for US so that we may study it under a modern trained eye. We thank those distant ancestors who so carefully preserved this amazing archaeological site for us. Otherwise it may have been reduced to rubble and we may never have seen it or known about it.

It lay underground for millenia, undisturbed and intact. What it is and what it tells us about ancient man is nothing short of astounding. Here's the thing. We are supposed to believe that Göbekli Tepe was constructed by "people a stones throw away from Cavemen.*" Yet when you see the superior stone work and reliefs it is CLEAR that master stonemasons were at work here.

It is yet another megalithic structure that proves we have lost an epoch in our history. We did not go from "cavemen to striped toothpaste**" in one shot. Long periods of history remain hidden from us. We have these ancient structures that PROVE that humans have a MUCH LONGER history than historians will allow us to believe.

Artists rendering of what Göbekli Tepe must have actually looked like.

So is Göbekli Tepe Noah's lost altar? 95% of the site is STILL UNEXCAVATED. It's anyone's guess when they will find an inscription that tells the real story. But for now, we're going with our theory. It seems to fit.

On a secondary note to this story:
The second thing Noah did was build a vineyard and get drunk. Genesis Chapter 9 verses 20-21: "Noah was the first tiller of the soil. He planted a vineyard; and he drank of the wine, and became drunk." Way to go Noah! If we survived the end of the world that's what we would do too.

This article came out the other day and reports the first industrial winery. It is located in Armenia...the same Armenia where Noah's ark is said to be.
Noah's vineyard?

Structures and sites like Göbekli Tepe make us want to know more. More about human origins and try to understand pre-history.

"Those who cannot remember the past
are condemned to repeat it."

* Quote: David Hatcher Childress
** Quote: John Anthony West


  1. I didn't NOAH that!!

  2. AnonymousJune 30, 2011

    Thank you for blogging this, I love this kind of stuff!!!! You ROCK!! It is mindblowing. God bless-

  3. Need an Ark
    I Noah a guy!

  4. AnonymousMay 18, 2012

    Looking more like a monument to the past this find which has no writing or any type of written words or pictorials tends to confuse more than enlighten. What needs to be found are the refuse dumps which will reveal who the creators of this site is more than the site itself. And the burial section if any as well. That in itself can tell us a lot about the builders.

  5. The story of Genesis is Egyptian and possibly Atlantean. Plato states Egypt and Atlantis were in contact in ancient times. What does not fit into chronological order is the Jewish story. The only semite people to live in Egypt were the Hyksos Shepherd Kings that barbarized Egypt around 1800 bc until they were kicked out in 1200 bc. Until that time they ruled from thier capitol city Avaris. So around 10,000 BC we get the flood, the worldwide one. Accross from Mout Ararat a man has discovered the ship of the Flood Story. Around 1996 he found underground ship timbers with metal rivets over the lap joints. The cedar wood is so old it is petrified. This happened long before Hyksos Semites that spoke Aramaic took over Egypt by force. So this puts Noah, Adam, Eve, Enoch in a different light, a much earlier time period, told by a much more advanced culture that relates to Egypt. The Jews borrowed heavily from the Egyptian literature including the 10 Commandments, the Psalms. Also what makes more sense in the real world...Moses parting the Red Sea all the while a sky god follows them around for 40 years as a burning emblem or the story of preflood Egypt/Atlantis, told by Egyptian priests?

  6. its more than an hour´s flight away from mount Ararat!!!

  7. We may never know our full past. we can strive to learn more but know that our ancient ancestors were far from being cave dwelling brutes. there was an intervention at one point. call it divine if it suits you but therein lies the origin of modern man. our origins date back over 100,000 years. other cave dwellers existed which we mixed- with and potentially eradicated, viewing them as competitors for resources. the DNA record in each one of use clearly tells the story of a shared link with neanderthal. WE are the- missing link. the story is in the blood. its been there the whole time. we will never find the mother load of stone tablets that definatively spell out a precise history of mankind. all we can do is piece together what is left and exstrapolate the rest of the story. engaging in myths only tends to leave us confused. noahs altar? perhaps... seems plausable enough. the animals depicted on the columns were perhaps a tribute to all the critters saved by- noah on his ark. time and further discovery may tell a tale. peace out.

  8. Anyone who knows the Bible and has a reasonable understanding of it should be able to quickly interpret exactly what Gobekli Tepe is:

    1. The cross-section at the top of the pillars represents the arc.
    2. The columns represent the ocean.
    3. The animals are all climbing down.

    Notice that some are depicted descending a ramp... Twelve thousand years ago they were not making finished wood products, or so we're told...

    Note that there is also a relief of a human in a robe with a wide belt fastened with a crafted (or cast) belt buckle which appears to be metal. Twelve thousand years ago, no humans had woven apparel, let alone, belt buckles. Agriculture, supposedly, had not been invented yet. At best, accordingly to mainstream science - they only had furs and thongs to to hold them to their bodies...

    Academia is unable to accept these immutable facts, which contravene established science, but the answer is so obvious that the truth screams from the arc at the top of the columns:

    The Bible speaks truth; Noah's Arc really existed; The Great Flood really happened; the animals were compelled to board the Arc, and we can draw only one conclusion from all that: God is real.

    Titus Corleone

  9. I knew in my heart & soul from the moment I heard of this place that it was Noah. My faith is stronger than the ones that try and twist the truth. God bless you for sharing.


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