Monday, January 17, 2011

Golden Globes 2011

First off, CONGRATS to Ricky Gervais for completely making fun of the celebs right to their faces! Not only was he spot-on, but he didn't go too far and could have gone even farther.

Why shouldn't Johnny Depp and Angelina Joie be mocked right in the face? Alright, at least Angelina does alot to help people but still, they are just people who make movies. They aren't creating science or curing diseases and they take themselves way too seriously. The look on Depp's face when Gervaise called his acting less than 3 dimensional was priceless!

It actually was one of the best Globes in a long time. Many of our favorites got awards: Christian Bale, Katey Sagal, Steve Buscemi, Jane Lynch, Natalie Portman and TRENT REZNOR. Trent looks bloody awful. He cut his hair and gained about 100 pounds. Oh well, he still creates kick-ass music.

We are mad though that our James Franco got beat by Colin Firth. On any other year we'd be happy for Colin who is an awesome actor but not against Franco! Have you seen 127 Hours or Pineapple Express? The guy is brilliant! At least he is CO-HOSTING the Oscars with Anne Hathaway, who is also pretty awesome.

TV sets across America exploded when Catherine Zeta-Jones was interviewed followed by Sofia Vergara. WOWZA! Two of the most beautiful actresses back to back and both looked great. Sofia Vergara was hands down the Best Dressed of the night. Just look at her. She is so gorgeous.

Annoyance factor goes to Angelina Jolie who seemed unable to hold her head up or sit straight as she constantly had her head on Brad Pitt's shoulder. We get it Angelina, you two are in love...Now sit the hell up and pretend to be awake for the LIVE TV cameras...jeez!

Robert DiNiro received the Cecille B. Demille Lifetime Achievement Award. A no-brainer.

WTF's include: Annette Benning's hair and Al Pacino's hair...we're these two zapped by electricity just before show time? Also, Tilda Swinton's dress was so bloody awful, Joan Rivers will have to call in was ugly AND a disaster!

Honorable Mention goes to Robert Downey Jr. who gave the BEST presenters speech of the night saying: "I don't know if an actress can do her best work until she's slept with me." He was hysterical.

A complete list of winners can be found: here


  1. I cant still cant believe they had Zeta and Sophia back to back....what a viewers treat is an understatement!! Hubba Bubba! Zeta Jones is still soooo Hot for her age no wonder Michael Douglas was cured of cancer all he had to do was touch her...LOL!! Sophia was great also when parting her interview with Seacrest she quipped "now i gotta go and get a drink". For the most part though it is fucked up how they fawn and congratulate each other evry dam year. Why dont they just hand a fucking trophy to everyone as thet enter the building?? Brad Pitt was trying to pretend but you know he was thinking i wanna punch this clingy bitch in the back of the head!! LOL. It was also nice to see Kirk Lazarus in the house keeping it real. I agree with the James Franco thing. He still deserves one for 'Pineapple Express' whenhe said its like killing a unicorn....LOL Priceless!! Oh and right again sit the fuck up Angelina and pretend your having a good time at least....MORON!

  2. Ladies and Gentlemen the Golden Globes and the Greatest Ass go to...... Sofia Vergara!!


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