Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Is China Becoming More Humane?

An edict that bans animal performances in China has been passed with enforcement set to begin very shortly.

"China's Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development issued the order banning animal performances in October, not long after the State Forestry Commission launched a campaign against animal mistreatment and placed a moratorium on the sale or transfer of performance animals."

This would be A VERY BIG and VERY POSITIVE STEP for animals rights in Asia. China has long been known to be complete monsters when it comes to the treatment of animals of all kinds, especially to bears trained to ride bicycles and do stupid shit just for the entertainment of people.

We are hopeful that this is a great step in the right direction and that in the future these laws will be enforced. At least they have it on paper which is something very new.

Animals deserve our respect and protection at all times and should never be used for entertainment purposes.

DO YOU HEAR THAT SEA WORLD and RINGLING BROTHERS?! China is stepping it up and you should too! Ringling Brothers is a tragic and national disgrace. NEVER EVER bring your kids to a Ringling Brothers Circus! Shame on Ringling Brothers and all those who turn their backs on the poor baby elephants and tigers that they torture. Ringling Brothers makes us sick.

If you have to go a circus because for some reason you have an undying need, then go a human one like Cirque Du Soleil. Employ people not animals!

China Article

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