Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ken Ya Just Produce the Birth Certificate Already!

"Hey look over there! It's NOT my birth certificate!"

Birthers Unite! Hawaii seems unwilling and unable to produce Barrack Obama's birth certificate.

This annoys us to no end. If it's proven 20 years from now that Obama was an illigimate President that would be bad enough. If they prove it a few months from now it will be a disaster!

We are urging President Obama to just produce the damn thing already and be done with this. Enough of the "I don't have to", "It's not necessary", "Of course I was born there" bullshit.

And regarding privacy laws? That's a poor excuse. We could get his tax returns for God's sake. End this already. Enough excuses.

We want and need these Birther people to go away once and for all. And we certainly do not want to hear years from now that they were right.

The implications for political unrest are through the roof. We have enough of that already. Republicans, Democrats, Tea Baggers. Enough is enough. Produce the birth certificate now.

One News Link... out of thousands.

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