Monday, January 3, 2011

Where Horses No Longer Roam Free

The Bureau of Land Management is, quite honestly, run by a bunch of small minded stupid motherfuckers and assholes. Trust us, we are holding back what we really think.

What else do you call this?
Warning: Absolutely heartbreaking


Write President Obama and DEMAND a moratorium on the roundups!
White House Contact page

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Please include your e-mail address

Phone Numbers:
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
FAX: 202-456-2461

Join a protest group!

The Cloud


The fact that this is occurring at OUR expense, funded by OUR own tax dollars is OUTRAGEOUS. The BLM must be stopped! The concept of what they are trying to do: save the land for cattle grazing or something is understandable to a degree. The methods of clearing the land of horses is unconscionable, unreasonable, cruel, inhumane and downright disgusting. They are known to run the horses to a cliff and drive them off to die in heaps and piles at the bottom. We need to stop this immediately.

"Silver Springs, Nevada (CNN) -- The helicopter is on the chase. At first, you can only hear it. Then, from behind the hillside, you see a herd of wild horses running for their freedom, with the helicopter close behind.

One escapes the trap, barely. The crowd cheers.

This is the scene at the Lahontan wild horse roundup in Silver Springs, Nevada. The helicopter pilot works for the federal government. The crowd is composed mainly of activists opposed to the roundups.

More and more, the roundups are becoming showdowns between protesters and the Bureau of Land Management.

"They are by law supposed to protect these horses, and in fact they are doing the exact opposite -- they are exterminating them," says Simone Netherlands, founder of the advocacy group Respect 4 Horses. "They are managing them to extinction."

Read the rest of the article here: CNN article

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