Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wikileaks: Japan Disappoints Once Again

Of course radical liberals like us would LOVE Wikileaks. And we really do. Screw the politicians and their two-faced bullshit. The more exposure the better.

Well, today it is Japan's turn. We just learned through Wikileaks that Japan asked the US for help stopping the Sea Shepard's!

While we are hardly surprised, we are heartened to learn that the US told Japan to fuck off.

Basically, Japan called into question the Sea Shepard's tax-exempt status as a non-profit and wanted them shut down.

"Yamada inquired about an investigation into the tax status of the U.S.-based NGO Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and repeated Japan's request for the U.S. to take action against the organization, which he said created a very dangerous situation on the seas," according to the cable written by U.S. Ambassador to Japan John Roos in reference to Shuji Yamada, the vice minister of international affairs in the ministry of agricultural affairs, forestry and fisheries..."

The only danger on the seas are the Japanese who continue to defy bans on killing whale's, especially in protected sanctuaries.

As we speak, the hunt is on again and the Sea Shepard's are risking their lives to protect the whales.

From Sea as of yesterday January 5, 2011:

"Sea Shepherd’s ships the Steve Irwin and the Gojira engaged in their second confrontation of the season when Sea Shepherd attempted to shake off the tail of a harpoon vessel on the evening of January 5th, 2011. This engagement took place on the International Date Line as the vessels crossed back and forth from Wednesday to Tuesday and back to Wednesday again.

The Sea Shepherd ships have been pursuing the Japanese factory ship the Nisshin Maru for the past six days ever since finding the Japanese whaling fleet on December 31st, 2010. Since then, the two fleets have covered over a thousand miles as the whalers attempt to shake off the pursuing Sea Shepherd ships."

To keep posted check out Sea Shepard's News Page

1 comment:

  1. Maybe these Japanese assholes will get scared and die like all the fish and birds have been doing!! What a bunch of douchebags!! What did they think the U.S.A was gonna say??This just proves they are walking handjobs for even asking us..........They have no shame in chasing something as beautiful and as rare as a whale.......LOSERS!!!


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