Monday, February 14, 2011

Chilean Miners Had Weed!

New interviews with the rescued Chilean miners reveal that family members smuggled down marijuana joints in with correspondence and letters to keep the men's spirits "high."

We find this hilarious. However, not all miners were included so there was jealousy as 5 or 6 guys would sneak off to smoke a joint and leave the others fuming over not being included.

It would be impossible to smoke one joint with all 33 guys so we can understand the need to sneak off and smoke with just a few guys. And we can also see how pissed off we would be if weren't included in that too. It must have been like high school all over again. They were in hell.

Also revealed is how the trapped men asked for a blow up doll to "relieve tension". The request was denied by the above ground doctor who thought the men might fight each other over it and didn't want to send down 33 of them. This is even more hilarious. The men did however receive pin up posters, hand lotion and tissues.

On a serious note, the men, who were without contact for the first two weeks of their imprisonment, were running out of food and had their thoughts turn to cannibalism. They were about to pick lots over who would be eaten first when the rescuers finally got the communication lines in place and then a few days later were able to send down food.

And most revealing was how the live feed we all watched globally, wasn't live at all. Quote: "a billion viewers around the world were 'tricked' when the live feed was secretly interrupted and old footage used instead, first when an avalanche inside the mine cut a video cable and then again when a local rescue official argued with the Chilean marines in charge of the operation."

Wow. Look for the books about this event to be hitting the shelves shortly.

1 comment:

  1. You could say they were smoking weed and just "Chilean out".LOL I cant believe they didnt send enough for all the guys?? I'm surprised the guys that smoke but didnt get too didnt strangle the others?? Then again it might have been a bad idea since they were running out of food?? MUNCHIES!!


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