Monday, February 7, 2011

"Safe" is the Word From The Pharaoh...And More...

According to Dr. Hawass: "The Valley of the Kings is safe, the pyramids are safe, 24 museums are safe, the synagogues and the monasteries and the Muslim monuments are completely safe." Thanks, Zahi!

Dr. Hawass was also moved by an elderly woman's plight to see the Pyramids. The woman, from Mississippi, forced to leave Egypt due to the little revolution there, has gotten The Pharaoh's personal promise to fly her back all expenses paid for a personally guided tour of the Giza Plateau. Lucky Duck!

See the video here

Also, The Omni Report was the first to publicly state that Dr. Hawass should take over the government and is happy to report that call is FINALLY being taken up by others! There are calls for him to be elected as Prime Minister.

From The Huffington Post:

"He (Dr. Zahi Hawass)would ensure a proper and methodical, no-rush transition. He would ensure all are treated with the respect and care they are due.

Let him now save his country. He is the only one with the international stature and reputation to do it. He will be able to accomplish this in Mubarak's last six months. Elevate him. Give him both the reins and the responsibility. Now we will have archaeology coming to the rescue of Modern Egypt and not the other was round.

He who has done so much to save Egypt's antiquities, could now be the one best-placed to preserve Egypt's unique and at-risk cultural dynamic. Elevate him to the Premiership. He certainly will not fail. He has never done so before."

Fucking A! That's what we've said since Day 1!

Read the entire post Titled: "Zahi Hawass for Prime Minister" here

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