Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Undercover pictures and video like this one..
of pig abuse in Iowa will soon be illegal

The Agriculture Industry is trying to make it illegal for animal rights activists to make undercover videos of factory farm abuse.

"They're trying to intimidate whistleblowers and put a chill on legitimate anti-cruelty investigations. Clearly the industry feels that it has something to hide or it wouldn't be going to these extreme and absurd lengths," said Bradley Miller, national director of the Humane Farming Association.

Jeff Kerr, general counsel for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, agrees. He says the Iowa legislation is misguided, at best. They're trying to criminalize someone being an eye witness to a crime. The people who do the very difficult job of documenting that criminal conduct should be applauded."

Agriculture committees in the Iowa House and Senate have approved a bill that would prohibit such recordings and punish people who take agriculture jobs only to gain access to animals to record their treatment."

Proposed penalties? Fines of up to $7,500 and up to five years in prison


The animals deserve better treatment. Of course humanity will never completely go vegetarian, but that does not mean that these living breathing beings need to be tortured and live in inhumane conditions during their lifetime.

This is unconscionable. Iowa lawmakers should be ashamed of themselves if they allow this to pass.

We don't care what state you are from, START CALLING IOWA NOW!

Call newspapers, senators, congressmen. Call the governor, call the farms themselves. Call the USDA, call the Agriculture Department and BITCH.

Call animal rights groups and give them your support.

Iowa Legislator Info

Iowa Senators

Iowa State Reps.

USDA Contact Page

Iowa Dept. Of Agriculture Contact Page

Governor Branstad Contact Page

Iowa Newspaper and TV Directory

Iowa Farm Info


The Lazy Vegan Animal Rights Blog


Thank you! We need to stand up and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.

1 comment:

  1. All i can say is hopefully the creator will treat them the same way when he returns!! Show no mercy and behead all the wicked souls!! Bastards!!! They will beg for mercy only to be kicked in the junk and tortured themselves!!!


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