Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Calling Vladimir Putin! Calling Vladimir Putin! - UPDATED

We know Vlad loves animals!

Excuse me, has anyone seen Vladimir Putin? We need his help immediately.

There is horrific and shocking news coming out of the Kiev Zoo today and we need him to go there and set things right!

"KIEV, Ukraine - An Indian elephant called Boy, the pride of the Kiev Zoo, collapsed and died in his enclosure. Around the same time, Maya the camel succumbed to a digestive illness and Theo the zebra died after crashing into a metal fence.

And there's more, much more.

The animals just keep on dying at the Kiev Zoo, a place one activist has likened to a concentration camp for those with fur and feathers. Animal welfare groups say dozens if not hundreds of animals have died at the zoo in recent years due to malnutrition, a lack of medical care and mistreatment -- and some suspect that corruption is at the heart of the problem.

Tamara Tarnavska of the Kiev-based SOS animal rights group believes the zoo must be closed to protect its animals from further abuse.

"The zoo is in such a condition that it's no longer a zoo, it's a concentration camp," Tarnavska said. "When I look those animals in the eyes, I am ashamed to be a human being.""

This simply isn't acceptable. Kiev is supposed to represent civilized Russia and have higher standards than this. These fucks that run the place think they can do whatever the hell they want and they need to be corrected. The only person we can think of that could do anything is Vladimir Putin...a man that strikes fear into the hearts of animal abusers (and everyone else) everywhere.

Read the Appalling Story HERE

We're not kidding!

Whoever sees Mr. Putin next, please tell him THE ANIMALS AT THE KIEV ZOO NEED HIM!

We KNOW where Vladimir was last night!
He was hanging out with a biker gang in Belgrade, where he got box seats with them to a friendly between youth teams of the Russian Zenith club and the Serbian Red Star club.

Vlad is a Night Wolf in his spare time!

"Putin sat in the front row of the VIP seating area with the bikers on his right, and as spectators chanted his name, the Russian premier stood to acknowledge the crowd, waving and signing autographs as the cheers grew louder.

'Somehow, Putin belongs to us, to our bikers club, Night Wolves,' said Night Wolf Lenin Jovanovski. 'We respect him for what he does for Slavic people and every situation in the world.'"

He is officially a rock star.

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