Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rick Santorum is a Loser

Ok. We edited that title like 12 times because we really wanted to call him a douchebag, asshole, slack-bloated spunkwagger, wet-balled carrotjockey and a gummy-balled socksmuggler*.

Rick "I'm a gay basher because the bible tells me so" Santorum had nerve to tell the world that John "POW" McCain doesn't understand enhanced interrogation techniques.


We would never have voted for McCain, we think he's a asshole too, but to say that a man that was held in a POW camp for almost 6 years and tortured on a daily basis does not understand what that means, implies or stands for? What are you Rick Santorum, a fucking idiot?

Alright, we already knew that but this is a new low.

"Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum on Tuesday accused Sen. John McCain of not understanding "how enhanced interrogation works," and Santorum reiterated his support for the use of so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques" and argued that such tactics had been crucial in tracking down Osama bin Laden."

Really, Rick? You are a moron, a putz and a slack-livered sausageberry*.

Arizona Sen. John McCain has spoken out in recent days against the use of torture as an interrogation technique, citing information from CIA chief Leon Panetta to argue that enhanced interrogation was not responsible for the discovery of Osama bin Laden, and that, in fact, using such methods could come back to hurt Americans.

"I opposed waterboarding and similar so-called 'enhanced interrogation techniques' before Osama bin Laden was brought to justice. And I oppose them now," McCain said in a speech on the Senate floor last week. "I do not believe they are necessary to our success in our war against terrorists, as the advocates of these techniques claim they are."

"Even more importantly, I believe that if America uses torture, it could someday result in the torture of American combatants."

We know that is true.

Does everyone forget the Geneva Conventions for God's sake? We know that technically this pertains to prisoners of war, but what else do you call the Guantanamo and other black ops prison detainees? Aren't we in the middle of a "War on Terror"? And so wouldn't those rules apply?

McCain is right on this one and don't ever tell a guy that was tortured for 6 years that he doesn't understand it.

What you don't understand Mr. everything.

Santorum - McCain News article

*Funny mean name generator

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousMay 18, 2011

    I agree!! I also dont like John Mccain but to say he doesn't understand torture is a political mistake!! Slack-livered sausageberry is PRICELESS!!! LOL


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